...just saw that the indigenous brain trust of inner city - TopicsExpress


...just saw that the indigenous brain trust of inner city Nashville is protesting in the streets again tonight. The right to peacefully gather and protest is a constitutionally-protected right that I would gladly fight a civil war over - however - gathering in the street and making your point by denying other citizens of basic services like access to roadways or, worse, impairing the abilities of emergency services and first responders to get to my family or loved ones? Let me explain something to you guys, and *please* pass this along to any protesters you might know -- if I have to get to my offices, to my servers, and youre *purposely* protesting in the road just to make your point - Ill roll right over you, police or no police. *You* are the sort who dont deserve the liberties youve been given. When you think your own feelings are more important than the actual, physical liberties of others, when you believe you can just take them away to boost your own grandstanding, you demonstrate that youre simply less. ...right over you. No, son. You murdered yourself. I just carried the bullet a while.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:14:17 +0000

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