#kkbBlend #Interview Greetings family, hope all of you are - TopicsExpress


#kkbBlend #Interview Greetings family, hope all of you are doing well. I decided to check on my daughter in Sweden to see how she is doing. Here is a conversation I had with Binta Jammeh. She is half of anything about her. like half Nuiminka, half Gambian, Half Jarranka, and half Jammeh/Diame. But beside all those halves, she is smart, respectful and friendly. Lets learn a bit more about her. ________________________________________________________ Lamin Darboe Hi Binta, how are you doing today? Binta Jammeh Hi L I’m fine and what about you? Lamin Darboe Im great too thanks for asking. Well you have been a nice, fun person with a good sense of humor since I know you, and for this reason I want to know more about you. Tell us more about Binta. Who is Binta Jammeh? Binta Jammeh Hmmm wow there isnt a lot to say about Binta. I can start with saying that my Name is Binta Nando Diame; I’m the middle child but the first daughter off the family. I’m a young woman who loves to laugh and smile... I’m an optimist, and I always try to see the best of every situation I found myself in... Lamin Darboe Wonderful. I noticed that you spell your last name as DIAME, which seem like a French influence. Why not spell it as Jammeh? Binta Jammeh Well my dad is originally from Djinack and that part is in Senegal part of the Fatick region so we are part Senegalese Lamin Darboe I see. I was just wondering. So what part of you is from Gambia and what part of Gambia? Binta Jammeh Hahaha to be honest I’m very mixed my mum is half Malian and half Gambian. In Gambia she is from Badibou. And my dad is from Senegal and Gambia. In Gambia he is from Nuimi so do the math lol Lamin Darboe Wow. So it will be fair to just say you are a Senegambian, right? But what do you consider yourself, Senegalese or Gambian? Binta Jammeh I see myself as a Senegambian. You know I’m very proud of my background. But to be fair I’m more of a Gambian, I was born in Gambia and raised in Badibou so I’m more Gambian Lamin Darboe That is fair. Now I read on your Facebook wall not long ago and you were thankful to God for graduating from college I believe. Tell us about that. What did you study? Binta Jammeh So you do your homework... yes I can finely call myself a graduate. It’s a great feeling I must say its a dream come. I studied nursing and now I’m back to school. I also want my bachelors in nursing... before I do my masters. Lamin Darboe Wow you must be a hard worker because many people would rather take a break before going back. Keep up the hard work. Binta Jammeh For me I see it the other way around, let me suffer now and relax later then the other way around... plus I have a big family and I also need to start doing something for them. So is better I finish my schooling young Lamin Darboe That is a great mentality and a good approach to life. I understand you live in Sweden, When did you go there and are all your family there? Binta Jammeh You see one have to try and plan her life otherwise it won’t be good. Yes I came to Sweden back in 2000, yes thank god my whole family is here the once that are not here are my grandparents. Lamin Darboe You know if you grandparents read this they will be angry at you for saying that “your whole family is here but your grandparents”. Are they not your family? Anyway it is wonderful to have your family around you. Binta Jammeh Lol for me when I say family I mean my mum and dad and siblings the rest are relatives. Yes it is one less problem. Lamin Darboe Now that you said that about your grandparents I am wondering what you will say about me as your overall father for the fact that most Nuimikas are my daughters and sons. Binta Jammeh Well my mum always told me that if a donkey kicks you and you kick back you are equal. So I wont come down to your level... You Know very well me as a Jammeh and a Nuiminka I’m your mum and your elder so behave before I curse you Lamin Darboe Ok I will not tell everyone what you told me when we were chatting earlier, I will excuse you for now. Binta Jammeh Haha as I said I won’t come down to your level. Lamin Darboe Now you and I met on Facebook, KKB to be specific, I am wondering what you think about KKB as a group. Binta Jammeh I must say KKB really surprised me it was so much more than I expected. You meet people there that you don’t even set your eyes on and they become so much more then online friends they become like family. The people there are fun to be around, with kkb members you don’t get bored. So to summarize I’m very happy with KKB even though it was stubborn Jarranka and Darboe kundanka members like u. Lamin Darboe Is that your way of acknowledging that Jarrankas and Darboe are the ones that make it more special for you? Binta Jammeh This is the problem with you journalists you always try and twist peoples words so it benefits you Lamin Darboe So what I said is correct? Binta Jammeh Very incorrect. Lamin Darboe Ok let’s move on. You are the first person I am having this public conversation with that is living outside the Gambia. Being a girl who was raised in Gambia, how is life different in Sweden from Gambia for you. I understand they are two different places and will be hard to compare, but what do you think are some of the differences? Binta Jammeh Hmmm now you put me in the spot... let me say like this when I was in Gambia I always thought that Europe was the most amazing place like the others back home I thought things where so easy here... when I came here for the first time I was welcomed by Snow and loneliness and the first thing I wanted to do was to pack my bags and go back home. I miss the freedom I had in Gambia I miss sitting outside chatting with neighbors and family you don’t get that here everyone mind there business and have nothing to do with the other that’s kind of sad... the best thing about Sweden is the freedom I have and the opportunity to become, do and be who/what so ever I please to be... We don’t always get that in Gambia you know... but as the saying goes there is no place like home I love Gambia and Senegal and I’m very proud to call myself Senegambian... the best thing about Gambia is how friendly people are and how welcoming and caring they are... I really miss that. Lamin Darboe That is wonderfully put Binta. I agree that there is no place like home. Have you been back to Gambia since you came to Sweden? Binta Jammeh Yes I have been there 3 times. have been busy with school so can’t always travel Lamin Darboe Do you plan to visit Gambia anytime soon? Binta Jammeh Well I like to surprise people so for my Gambia coming no comment Lamin Darboe Ok just make sure you bring my gift. Binta Jammeh Hahah anything for my son Lamin Darboe Ok I am sure you are not referring to me in that. But, you are a nurse and I would like to think that you sometimes think of going back to Gambia and participate in the development of the country. Is this part of your plans? Binta Jammeh To be upfront with you my dream is to do something for my country... my biggest dream is to build a home for poor people and one for orphanage kids... Lamin Darboe That is a remarkable ambition and I pray that your wishes come to pass. Now let me ask you this, do you have any worries when it comes to going back to Gambia do these things that you are planning? Binta Jammeh Ameen for that, I know it wont be easy but one can dream. when it comes to doing big things like that there is always fears....my biggest fear is finding people who will help you and make me achieve it.... because is something I can’t do myself. Lamin Darboe Great. Now tell me is Binta single or should any guy who is reading this stay away? Binta Jammeh Sorry guys Binta is taken Lamin Darboe They all heard that. Is just too bad that her father (which is me) did not know who has taken her. Binta Jammeh L How can you not know yourself? Lamin Darboe Good question. And who is this lucky one Binta? Binta Jammeh Well that one is secret for now until things are final. Lamin Darboe Ok then I wont push. Now Tell me what you like doing when you are not working or going to school. Binta Jammeh I’m a proud daddys girl I love spending time with my family and friends or just relax with a good book and nice music. Lamin Darboe As a woman, will you say life is more challenging for females in the west or do you think it is the same for both men and women, especially those from Gambia? Binta Jammeh I guess it depends on how you see it. If I was a man more people will be depending on me and I would have to try hard by all means possible to help my people out... while for me as a woman no one is depending on me like that if I do it fine, if not fine... life in Europe is hard for all of us specially as a black person.... people approach and treat you differently because of the color of your skin. I as a black girl and emigrant, I had to struggle extra hard for all I have... if I wanted to have an A I have to work 10 times more than a Swedish. Lamin Darboe Interesting and unfortunately stereotyping is everywhere. Binta Jammeh Yes that’s the sad part of it... but so is life, I strongly believe that god don’t put you in anything you can’t handle Lamin Darboe Of course there are many young people in Gambia who would like to travel to the west. Some of them would even quit school in their effort to travel what would be your advice to these young people base on your experiences in Europe? Binta Jammeh For me all I can say is that no matter where we are in this world we should work hard and aim high, no matter your background you can be something big you don’t have to travel to Europe to be able to help your people or build does big houses you dream of... Allah have a plan for all of us and not all are meant to travel. .. so we should all try and focus on our studies and keep trying the sky is the limit Lamin Darboe Wonderful and before we finish, let me ask you this. can you cook? because I am assuming that you went to Sweden when you were young and you may not have the chance to learn how to cook with all those fast food places around Binta Jammeh Hahaha I was raised by my grandmother and for her a good woman should be able to take care of her house, husband and kids. Started cooking when I was very young so to answer you yes I can cook... Lamin Darboe Well if you tell me you know how to cook Nada then I will believe you. Binta Jammeh I’m not a Nada eater so I don’t cook such food. Lamin Darboe Well that tells me a lot about your cooking ability now because only expert Gambia ladies can cook that. lol Binta Jammeh Well thank god I’m not from that bush... well I’m not an expert yet so I’m safe Lamin Darboe Before we end, tell me what you like must about Kinkiliba and your Facebook friends that you have never seen? Binta Jammeh I love that everyone is like a big family, that we look after each other and share each other’s joys and sadness. Lamin Darboe Great and what will you tell all the youth out there. Binta Jammeh Well, all I have to say is life have its ups and downs, and we shouldnt let those downs bring us down. And as Mandela said The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Lamin Darboe That is very wonderful Binta and on that we will end. It is a great pleasure to have this conversation with you and I wish you all the best and keep up the hard work. I know it is night time in Sweden so I will say have a good night. Binta Jammeh Thank you, it was great spending this time with you... Yes is night time now but I’m not going to bed.. Lamin Darboe thanks
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 09:06:31 +0000

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