#lifelesson Give honor to whom honor is due. . . and those - TopicsExpress


#lifelesson Give honor to whom honor is due. . . and those that labor in the gospel are worthy of double honor. Today, I wanted to take a minute to encourage my father and Pastor, Moses Hightower. Besides being the best dad a girl could ask for, you are an amazing pastor. You are selfless, kind, loving, and HONEST. Thank you for your YEARS of pouring into me and my family. NOTHING CAN EVER OUT WEIGH THAT and get on the scale to compare to what you spoken into and over my life. You have sacrificed so much for us and nothing that comes into my life can replace who your are or outshine what you done for us. You have been my foundation and a stable one at that. You taught me truly about Jesus and His love for me. You prayed for me in the midnight hour and wept over my soul. THANK YOU! I know that many times it was your prayers that snatched me out of the fires of hell and the clutches of the enemy and I dont devaluate that and its importance in my life. I can not forget your labor of love for those who you lead and how your table is always spread with a fresh word from God for whosoever will. I cherish the gifts and the anointing that is upon your life. I appreciate you being you... RAW. You deliver the word without hype. You have taught us to rightly divide the word of truth and to know the word of God for ourselves and to question and challenge what we see by the Word. You have taught us to try the spirits to see if they be of God and to know those that labor among us and to remember the good while we are in our right minds, build mile markers so that when the enemy tries to deceive us we will recall what God has done for us in this place. I could go on and on daddy, but most of all I want you to know I love you and I trust you. Be encouraged... Your labor is not in vain.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 16:33:34 +0000

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