#melancholicmonday so abit .. no LOT WORDY!... Its a long one so - TopicsExpress


#melancholicmonday so abit .. no LOT WORDY!... Its a long one so as i ponder behaviour and friendships and life and such... so if u dont give two hoots, i do encourage u move on... musics still awesome tho! #melancholicmonday Arrakeen: Monday can be many things. For some weird reason at this very moment im feeling melancholic AND melodic as i prepare my mix for this weekends guestmix on Trance-Energy Radio This might be a sensitive topic well actually its at all unless youre a sensitive person but me being me, Imma speak my mind, People call Americans arrogantm, brash, policing the world, etc... I dont know about the ttruth behind any conspiracy theory or if they start wars for profit... fact is, theyre broke, this post aint about politics so ill stop there. Its about my friends there... because in the 6 years I lived in Southern California, I met the most sincere, caring, considerate and truly genuine people ive ever met. ok so they smile and say hi to everyone one the street, ask how ya doing but dont really wanna know, but thats just it.. thats not insincerity, thats built in love for other humans coz it takes effort to do it. Here u get a rough bump on the shoulder and just maybe u dont get sworn at. Sure Americans are brash and arrogant... cause they are sincere in the fact that they tell you like it is and not just pretend nothing is wrong or on a more humourous level, that your flys open... people here will just let you be and laugh behind your back. Thats what differeltntiates civilised people from animals. Common courtesy and ethics and seeing the good in everyone naturally instead of the bad by default. I wont go into the biological nor the psychological aspect of it, how trhey evolved to a more emotionally and mentally enlightened state. Coz to be nice to everyone takes energy.. We asians rather use that energy to do stupid things or to accomplish goals, ok was abt to hit psych of it so backing off..... I just wanna say thanks to all my friends in the good ol USA and whether Im there tomorrow or a year later, ill find my way to my where my freedom lies. So this #melancholicmonday do what you can to try to be nice to everyone and youll realise it makes u happier automatically when you brighten someone else day. and if all of us behaved this way, wed start respecting each other automatically and would be on the path toward enlightenment and less hatred,,, Like i said b4, suret there are bad people there.. there are many in fact, alot in Hollywood movies are true... but if u tend to see only the negative, ever thought that alot more of the opposite is true just not portrayed.. it is but wed much rather watch movies of gore than yore.. So today, cherish everyone especially those you call your friends... and treat someone the way you want to be treated, nobody is better than anybody else... we are all equal and we not be here tomorrrow or we may live forever. who knows, but i know id rather live without regret and do things my way which includes believing that people are good by nature but have too many defense mechanisms up because of shit that happened to them in the past, or be more carefree like my American friends who some even lie paycheck to paycheck, but they still are genuinely happy. its alll in your mind. so in closing ill end it with #mielodicmonday and a #melancholicmonday song... Most of you know I lost a friend due to heart disease at 29 and I wrote him a song because thats all I could do being half the globe away, which naturally because the soundtrack for a memorial cruise my friends arranged within a week and thats rather large considerationg the timeframe and LA is big, after living there, a 3hour drive is like going to the mall or market.... We all know this kinda thing would never happen here... wed go to funeral wake, eat peanuts get drunk and carry on life as per normal the next day... uninspiring. .. but im not referring to the car culture... im referring to the subtle signs of true brotherhood and the rallying together to honour someone... ... for us, its one man down! and till today 2 years later almost, well never forget... Miss you Pete! . and just to share, people here wonder why i hang on this, and like watching it when im down and seem to appear momre down after... quite the opposite. they dont understand to them its just music and cars, which to me is all i want my life to be about lol but no its not about that... for this its much more than that... it gives me strength and reminds me anyone could go anytime... so make peace not war. give and stop taking.... its impossible to change a cultures way of thinking, in fact a person even... and we are noone to judge others, but we can only show that true friendships do exist and there ARE people in life that can be trusted... and im glad I was born thinking like this, with an open and freely expressive mind... if you dont express, u repress. then in time, youoll blow up and regress.... Some psychology poetry for you... yeah psychologists have a sense of humour too.. its not all like Frasier you know... lol... but i wouldnt know i aint one... Enjoy this video and knowing its story, would u rather be doing that or whatever you practice now should a close friend pass away.... its bittersweet.. as it should be... ? thanks for reading if u came this farm if not, it shows who you are.... youtube/watch?v=0Qr6MEouqbg #melancholicmelodicmonday
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:51:33 +0000

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