(must see) Have you ever wonder why no banker got jailed for - TopicsExpress


(must see) Have you ever wonder why no banker got jailed for eventually short-circuiting the whole world economy? After all, the conspiracy theorists are right again, who is benefiting from bank deregulation? Why WTO would agree on such act? Remember WTO official are appointed, not elected, same as IMF&WB. Just think of this: they are pushing bank deregulation idea, in effect; banks can go to any country and operate there, they have free hand to wreck havoc the targeted economy…legally. We have seen this in Southeast Asia during their stock and financial market meltdown back in the mid 90’s where George Soros was the culprit and the nature of deregulated market gave access to him. Since WTO officials are not elected, they answer only to whoever put them in there, this also make them an instrument working for the few who are not accountable and answer to no government and the financial market deregulation is the venue needed for financial crimes under the banner of Globalization (youtube/watch?v=rKqJmEPuBgc&feature=youtu.be). Who really own Goldman Sacs? “Let me issue and control the nation money and I care not who makes the law” (paraphrasing famous quote said by Mayer Amschel Rothschild) the global economical turmoil is the perfect storm to usher a unified world reserve currency. Already the IMF is leading the charge to create such currency. In other word: WTO creates the laws and conditions to allow bank deregulation and request member countries to comply with such conditions. bad banking practices allowed and has crossed boarders, destroying other countries economy (Iceland and Greece for example), the IMF steps-in by offering a loan with high interest rate backed by ridiculous condition to comply with, (Greece for example; in order to get the IMF loan, the Greeks had to agree on paying their banks defaults and losses first and to increase taxes and remove government subsidies for services given to the Greeks tax payer) Once the country default again, a second round of loan offered by the IMF but this time; hard assets is held as a collateral (the country’s reserve gold) and harsher condition imposed to pay the first loan. If they default again, the IMF will liquidate the countries assets, mostly in a form of natural resources exploitation. The entire act is in parallel with WTO, WB, and IMF agreement to make the bank of international settlement (BIS) of Basel, Switzerland, the central bank of all central banks under the premise of stabilizing the global economy. If any country dares to protect its economy from bad banking and investment practice, they will pay penalty imposed by WTO. The UN comes to work by the manipulation (order) of few countries, and can impose sanctions and inflect economical harm to undesired country (like what Hppened to iraq and iran) but when the intention gets audacious, forget the UN, here comes NATO; they can be mobilized by orders comes primarily from US, UK and France. They can invade countries without the UN decision or agreement like what happened in Libya and now Syria. Tell me this is not one world government and one world economy or currency? Who benefit? I don’t know names but I am sure of one thing; all this happening with our eye wide open and it is not a coincident, the culprits are not one person, they are bunch of them, loyal to no country and pledge their allegiant to money and power only. One shouldn’t get busy with the details (who said what and what caused what) instead look at the bigger picture with reasonable amount of details and be aware of what is going on in parallel, usually things unfold in multiple direction simultaneously. youtube/watch?v=ogc-LRWByhY&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:54:02 +0000

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