#palestine #save gaza #Anonymous #freedom #team palestine - TopicsExpress


#palestine #save gaza #Anonymous #freedom #team palestine #palestina libera Hi all, My name is Lee J: Lennon (Permafusion) I am honoured to be invited into this group. The reason for the invite is to ask for assistance. We are all fully aware of the recent genocide attempt in Gaza. The situation is ongoing and with the blockade and obstructions for any aid and building materials, it is calculated that it would take 20 Years with a cost in excess of twenty billion for reconstruction. This calculation is based on the presumption that 100 trucks of materials pass through the main Israeli crossing daily, of course it is obvious that this is never going to happen. With half the population being children and with an incredible average age of the 1.8 million people at 17 years, they need our help. All this in an open air prison of 25-5 miles with restricted access to the sea. 1 in 2 children suffer psychological distress, according to unicef. Almost every utility and support system is damaged, electricity, clean water are in short supply, with mounting problems due to Sewage systems failure, they are walking into winter in a very bad shape. Many families are living under makeshift tents after their homes have been destroyed. I could go on with facts and figures but I think we are all aware of factors, but that is not for this message. This is where my appeal for assistance comes into play with my unusual skill set. I designing Earthship structures, Permaculture/Water harvesting systems and Rocket Stoves, amongst a few other things. It is my belief that these systems, combined, can make a real and lasting difference to the recovery, and provide a level of involvement and independence that traditional systems cannot offer. The systems I propose, use mainly unskilled workers with only a few skilled artisans needed and the very minimum of tools and materials. The bulk of materials being waste eg. Tyres, plastic bottles, cans, earth and I have recently discovered that I can use crushed concrete rubble to fill the tyres, of which there is obviously no shortage (as shown in the Haiti model, including innovative septic tank systems which I am studying the design at this moment). I will post some examples at the end of this article. I have a friend that regularly works with Michael Reynolds (The Garbage Warrior), and so a connection therefore to source, for Earthship design and innovation without stepping on toes. Lime, cement, steel reinforcement, heat bricks, heat cement, solar electric systems, batteries, cables, water tanks, filters, waterproof barriers, insulation and a few other items will need to be acquired. I have built a cabin and never a full Earthship system to date. But most of the things I do, I only ever do once and my attention to detail is high, my work speaks for itself. Permaculture; Food is security. Geoff Lawton is greening the dessert in Jordan at this moment (clip included). And I intend to make the connection to design self sustaining food systems in Gaza, both urban and to develop any damaged land, hopefully using the same plant/seed stock. There are many sources for quality seeds. Geoff Lawton and others have inspired me to real eyes that it is possible to provide diverse, plant systems that both cater for short term and long term food forest systems even in a desert climate. The stability of these systems is permanent once set in motion and requires minimum effort in labour whilst producing abundance. If you look up the Cuban city farming systems you can find some good examples of the sort of systems that can be implemented. They use flowers and other species of plant to attract the hunters of the undesirable pests, eliminating the need for chemical pesticides. This is a very successful model. Permaculture systems are also employed in the construction systems I suggest with growing food and water harvesting is a key design feature. Rocket Stoves can provide heat, hot plates for cooking and hot water. I have co-designed, and had fabricated, a portable rocket stove that, as far as I know, is the first of its kind. It is a glass fronted, controllable heating and cooking system with water tank. The systems that I would intend to use would be more of the thermal mass versions. They are much more efficient than wood burners and use very little material, sticks, not logs and leave little ash. They turn the wood into gas and on average use 80% less wood than a traditional wood stove. The thermal mass takes 24 hours to cool down once heated. You can also heat water tanks (clip included with an explanation from the same Geoff Lawton). Training is also important so that the people in Gaza can continue the projects. I dont know/mind how long I would have to be there. So now to the crux of the matter. Ive got to get myself, tools and possibly, a couple of other skilled people to Gaza. Needs; A solar technician. Carpenter, Cob/earth works technician, water technician/plumber, anyone with turnable mad rocket stove experience, tyre building, general classifying skills or understandings and/or others that have multiple skills that they think would fuse into this proposal. Contact me. I will also need a support system for supplies. Web site with finding options. Technical support. Minimal financial support. I have to find a way look after my stuff in the UK. It looks like I have a connection to get permission to enter Gaza. I am not completely sure what materials are available in Gaza. Will have to be flexible, innovative and inventive. It may be better that I go first then bring others after when I have things set up. All these things will have to be worked out. I need help to pull this off for the good and future of the downpressed people of Gaza. I am a father of an 11 year old, I have felt their suffering as Ive learnt and followed their story, and cried. I have skills that can help, I believe undamaged prove that the systems work and work very well. It can be shown what a wonderful factor having people of all ages and abilities involved throughout the systems creation. Creating permanent, virtually self maintaining systems that can bring positive attention WORLD WIDE! to the issue and to the character of the people. I do not believe that this proposal will find any resistance that cannot be debugged in some fashion. I believe that these proposals would be accepted by the people of Gaza. The situation is complicated but there is a way. The intention is a culmination of the following. Video links; Earthship Disaster Relief for the People of Haiti.: youtu.be/OgCbvsuQaNw Haiti Earthship Project: Contained Sewage and Roo…: youtu.be/YFP4Q0UDZpU Haiti Earthship Project: Overview: youtu.be/h7jAkwhTq4c ORGANOPONICO! AN AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION: youtu.be/JIWsxo5nNgg Urban Agriculture in Cuba: youtu.be/6pcfB5O49EA Simple Survival Model Earthship: youtu.be/wTqSpx0Vgv4 Rocket Stove Water Heater: youtu.be/YTnr8ua54Uw Tires, Bottles, and Cans: youtu.be/KPDh2vlsmNk Earthship_in_Haiti.mp4: youtu.be/3u2fsjxU_mw Rocket Mass Heater Workshop: youtu.be/BoW-ICO83hM From Desert to Oasis in 4 Years!: youtu.be/r_AvNFqZFUA Garbage Warrior Full Length Documentary: youtu.be/Jnkv_qj1xUc The Coconut Revolution (2001, 50min) (480x360): youtu.be/LDpvxQe_Jhg Rafeef Ziadah - We teach life, sir, London, 12.…: youtu.be/aKucPh9xHtM You can check my other work in my albums under Uncle Grinder on my fb page. If I get a container load of plywood, and somewhere to work, I could/can fund this project myself in time, as you can see. More details available on request. I lived in Spain for ten years and the climate is not so different. I am not the best at all these things, sculpting and design is what I do best. I pay attention. I do not hold qualifications in what I do, as there arent any in my individual field, along with learning that paper is of little value, Im hardly going to award myself a diploma! I did study Architecture academically, but left when I found it was... Unsupportable. I have no belief system I am aware of or understand. I. 45 years. I am not being put to good use in the UK and so need to do stuff somewhere, and they have need for my type of skills most in Gaza and places in similar situations, I surmise. Humanity. Thank you for your attention. This is not about me, its about what I can do with the voluntary assistance of others. Can supply photos/schematic of systems on request. I have made three presentations on different aspects over the tasty two years, details available also on request. You dont need eyes to see, you need vision. I see the vision of Gaza leading the world in the combination of this type solution. Lx
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 23:39:50 +0000

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