[part 25 of light within ]*after a few minutes sayuri wakes in - TopicsExpress


[part 25 of light within ]*after a few minutes sayuri wakes in kosukes arms. she looks around and then slaps him and gets out of his arms.she takes 10 steps away from him.he looks shocked* sayuri: where am I?!why did you hit me like that? ! kosuke:.. we are at a temple and I wanted to get you out of there . I knew you wouldnt listen to my words about it so I hit you..sorry. sayuri: why did you want me out of there? kosuke: because you dont belong with ichijo. I just - sayuri: what do you know? how do you even know who I belong with ?! kosuke: I know EVERYTHING about you thats how ! sayuri: oh really? then TELL me some things.if what you say is true tell me. kosuke: I dont need to tell. sayuri: what...? *he walks to her and graps her by her arms* kosuke: I can show you our past ..when we met. sayuri thinks: we met before? sayuri: how can you? kosuke: its a power I have its in my eyes .. but I never used it . sayuri: never? why? kosuke: it wasnt needed but now it is ..sayuri look into my eyes. *she looks away* sayuri: no..this seems too weird and - kosuke: I want show the REAL truth to you its not weird..so please look. sayuri thinks: im not sure if I really should listen to him...I mean ichijo...would...be mad but I want to know if he really is lying or not..so I must. *she looks into his eyes. his eyes turn light green and start to show the past of when they met.*[ what she is seeing] *a man is holding on tightly to her and trying to do some things crazy things to her.she looks afraid and kosuke runs up to them and graps the mans right arm*kosuke: stop . *the man looks at him* the man: this has nothing to with you so butt out and let go. kosuke: if someone needs help I wont ignore it. *the man lets go of sayuri.kosuke lets go of the man s arm** the man: you want to be the hero? kosuke: I dont think of it that way.*sayuri looks at kosuke* sayuri: who are you? kosuke: im kosuke. the man: well how ever you see it I dont like you butting in when I was havng fun. kosuke: it didnt seem fun for her. *the man takes out a blade* the man: I dont care now go away or I will kill you. kosuke: just try it. *kosuke smiles* sayuri: are you crazy? do you want to die? kosuke: no . the man: well lets see what this guy is made of shall we sayuri? sayuri: dont . *she graps his hand holding the blade* the man: let go. *she shakes her head* sayuri: no. I dont want you to hurt an other person who trys to help me! kosuke thinks: so im not the first? *the man pushs her off his arm and throws her to the ground* the man: I dont like you always trying to stop me ! *the man points the blade at her.*sayuri: what will you do? the man: this ! *he trys to attack with the blade but kosuke gets in the way .in frount of her and takes the hit. he gets cut in the chest* sayuri: you idiot ... the man: you must really want to get hurt. *kosuke graps the mans hand as the blade .he gets his hand cut abit* kosuke: do you always hurt her when she trys to stop you? the man: yes. *kosuke uses all his strength to break the blade* the man: h-how did you do that? kosuke: that broke easy . the man: your crazy arent you? kosuke: I guess. the man: im done here . *the man starts walking off leaving sayuri behind* sayuri thinks; hes really leaving me...? *kosuke looks at sayuri* kosuke: are you okay? *she gets up* sayuri: your idiot getting hurt like that what were you thinking !? you could have gotten hurt worse . kosuke: I was thinking of you. dose this happen alot? sayuri: yes... kosuke: then I will always be there to help.[ he stops showing her] sayuri: that was.. kosuke:did that help? do you remember me? sayuri: I remember that happening now but... kosuke: but dont remember me? sayuri: I..do alittle..but what are you to me and what is ichijo to me ...? kosuke: I never asked what you thought of me so I dont know but I always thought of you and I as friends. ichijo is evil . sayuri thinks: he is evil? you and I friends? after seeing what he showed me and the fact I remember alittle....I want to believe him but...kosuke: do you believe me? sayuri: I do and yet I dont at the same time . I want to ask ichijo some things.kosuke: what?? sayuri: take me back. kosuke: no... he wont be honest with you so its pointless... sayuri: if you wont then I will go alone. *she starts walking to the door. he graps her right arm* kosuke: no sayuri. sayuri: I need to know if you were the one who helped me where was ichijo? I want to ask him. kosuke: he is not apart of your past sayuri. sayuri: he isnt? kosuke: you and I have been together a long time. I have always be there for you ...ichijo never helped you. sayuri: why? kosuke: because I hate to see people suffer . I didnt like seeing people hurt you.* she looks at him supirised. she sees a flashback of the past * sayuri : say that again. kosuke: what? sayuri: you dont like to see... kosuke : because I hate to see people suffer . I didnt like seeing you hurt by others. sayuri: you said that once before in frount of kei ...hazuki... when I was half stone... kosuke: you remember that?sayuri: that just came back... these words..and that moment. *a tear falls down her face* kosuke: sayuri? sayuri:I want to remember everything esle. kosuke: I want that too. sayuri thinks: hes not a bad person like ichijo says. is everything esle a lie as well? *hazuki knocks on the door* hazuki: can we come in now? kosuke: yes hazuki. *kei opens the door and they walk in*
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:47:27 +0000

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