(pasted here as repost because they need your assistance and help - TopicsExpress


(pasted here as repost because they need your assistance and help to dispel and thwart whats coming up in Canada right now) RED ALERT: As something of an expert in the art of propaganda and an aficionado, Im noticing a disturbing trend wave, Not dissimilar to the ramp up before the gathering of the Jews in Germany, Subjecting the populace to an increasing snowball of subversive propaganda is happening here, now on Turtle Island, and its the most dangerous weapon against you and your families that there IS?? HOW DO YOU FIGHT IT? You make it OBVIOUS that it is WRONG. Why bother? Because it can and will save the lives of warriors needed for this battle to save water and salmon and all of us from ecocide. FIGURE OUT HOW TO INDIGENIZE THE MASSES… make settlers feel included somehow you can palate… I dont know how, but it really needs to happen to protect yall from concentration camps etc… Tis threat is in the air already! How can you RETALIATE in kind? Make HARPER look the fool, the terrorist that he is. (I have ideas, but basically the wide conservative base needs to shift him into their minds as a villain not one of them) PERHAPS YOU HAVE DECENT FOOTAGE? by SHOWING YOUR VIEW POINT (with caring and love and: BE APPROACHABLE (please send me this to spam everywhere… ha, obvious yet? I do that eh? Shock and hopefully awe) CANNOT STRESS HIGHLY ENOUGH: Make friends outside your groups. Youre being dissembled, tactic by tactic, youre being split apart on a tribe by tribe scale level and this is no new tactic. IF your group needs inner healing… whatever you have to do… DO IT NOW TO SURVIVE THIS MESS GO OUT AND GATHER: unions, celebrities, out of country support, ANYTHING YOU CAN TO show your battle in a sympathetic, heart endearing way. EXAMPLE: You HAD Leonardo Decaprio, and that got them so worried he got appointed to the UN! NOW… recommend you grab Johnny Depp, whomever it is that can… go, secretly enlist him. Anybody like that? Go initiate IN SECRET… they can help you plot, people… not all of us in media and propaganda are black as in bad… BLACK POWER!!!! Who am I? (just MOUTHPIECE who talks too much! BUT IM ONLY GETTING LOUDER BECAUSE THEY ARE TERRORIZING OTHER MOUTHS INTO CLOSING… so Im channeling a siren as my focus pose, because Im not important or special, I just happen to know this stuff because Ive studied it forever) BLANKET STUFF LIKE THIS: (also little 30 second invitation clips would be nice to see being showing up places, also greeting card memes, like I saw one that was a pickup truck with a licence plate that said IH8NDNS (I hate Indians)… lots commented LOL, unthinkingly this is bias building and a dehumanizing tactic oft repeated MUCH INFLAMED by the notion some Indian is going to roll onto their property and evict them from a house they paid for by a stereotype they bought into before they ever hit school, and passed on to their children, DONT let his resolidify in this generation PLEASE PS: So much art you have tied to this movement is POWERFULLY GORGEOUS… but not enough stickers, shirts, bandannas… DO you have an ARMBAND?? an armband is powerful…. vimeo/88727129
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 12:52:30 +0000

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