*personal opinion rant* In regards to our recent post on Islam. - TopicsExpress


*personal opinion rant* In regards to our recent post on Islam. Our page supports the entire constitution, so of course that includes the separation of church and state. Recently the UK have been a prime example of how important that the separation of church and state is. The recent influx of fundamentalist Islam along with the Uk’s political left’s mission to appease them for votes have made officials turn a blind eye to some of the extreme actions that they are taking to in order to compromise the western way of life. Here in the United States we are fortunate to have the separation of church and state written into the law of the land but many in our nation seem to think that it does not apply to Christianity. This mindset has led to some cities and states attempting to endorse Christianity into their government. The outcome from this action has been to allow Christianity into our governments and public schools as long as they also allow every other religion, resulting in Government buildings that reflect what their local majority religious population consist of. The problem with they doing this is that it opens the doors for other religious groups to do the same thing in cities and states were they have a heavy population, essentially setting the stage for the same action scene in the UK coming to the US. We have to be tolerant to all religions but that tolerance ends as soon as anyone, especially the government tries to force it on us. Fundamentalist religions have no place in the US because of their need to take over the governance in order to operate. New comers have to conform to our way of living and not the other way around and we can only have freedom of religion if we have freedom from religion. Let me end this by saying we are not anti-Muslim, we just point out bullshit that has a negative implications on personal liberty and lately many stories have involved Islam. Let’s me know your thoughts on what I have said. –b-
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:58:46 +0000

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