***post: HE WHO HATH - TopicsExpress


***post: HE WHO HATH UNDERSTANDING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ The Mahdi and ad-Dajjal are one person - the avatar for the Age of Aquarius. This is Udrokoos Kristo and his number is 666. ~ There is no Antichrist and never will be one, only a succession of representatives for the Office of the Kristos that appear with the beginning of each Aeon or House in accord with the Brahma-Via or the Architects Way (successive Buddhas are the avatars for the Shiva-Via or Destroyers Way and successive Krishnas are the avatars for the Vishnu-Via or Preservers Way). That people were told an Antichrist would appear is a terrible lie spawned by the God of 2/3rds of The ICI (Iudaism/Christianity/Islam as a 3-in-1 religion, not 3 different ones; Allah [Sin-Nannar] runs the Islamic quotient): Yahweh/Leviathan, who Himself is not God (neither is Allah) but a god; a Sea-Tone, where Allah is only a Moon-Tone. The one-Eye motif actually harkens to Bel, who is also Amen-Ra (plus many other deities) and celestial Son of El, who is also Wotan or Odin, who metaphorically gave one of His eyes for gnosis of the runes, a holoTech. Every avatar for the Brahma-Via is host to Bel, the Lawgiver that reminds mankind of the Formulae of the Aeons. ~ Each avatar is a Grade 2 hybrid-human and reincarnated deity whos taken an Akashik account in order to participate in a Star-Program or asterism called The Orbi-si. For the Age of Aquarius, the reincarnated deity is Ha-pi/Ganymede/Ganesha/Behemoth, the Cupbearer and this Houses Major Domo. Its Formula is El Formula de la Alumbrado Anguine or the Formula of the Illuminated Serpent. We all get to decide our own personal morality now (stimulation of Kundalini). This is Fas or divine Law. Each Formula has a Number that represents it - each representative having a solar/male & lunar/female half, a Beauty and Beast trope, making them a spiritual hermaphrodite as the Acclimated Man. The eschatological memes of the Great Beast & Babalon are this very trope: here, 666 is the number of Udrokoos Kristos solar/male half where 156 is his lunar/female half. These numbers leap in increments of 50: the last avatar of the Architects for the Age of Pisces (a Persian prince of 1st century AD named Farhad V and a reincarnated Poseidon) had as his male number 616, making his female halfs number 106. However, the solar number always portrays the Formula - thus, the Number for the representative of House Hydrochous is 666, which is a life-number, a Mater-number, as it adds up to 18, which is seen in the Hebrew word chai or life. Chai and chi bear grammatic relation for obvious reasons. ~ Ad-Dajjal has a blinded left eye to signify that he is symbolically not looking to the past anymore but has his one, good eye (the right) on the future. K-F-R on Udrokoos Kristos forehead is to mean kafir as deceiver, unbeliever, but this is another lie. This person only seems to be an unbelieving liar when taken as the assumption that the Mahdi will preserve Islam. It is said that both Isa (a returned Jesus) and the Mahdi will fight together at the Endtimes - this is because they are one & the same being, but not because there was ever a Jesus (this is an example of Grand Theft Humanity) - that was & IS a grand lie and the crowning deception of Lotans ICI, to blind people to the fact of a succession of avatars for the Brahma-Via, the Office of the Kristo. ~ The Mahdi is to be the man that ends Islam, for Islams sake. The Mahdi does NOT actualize through the auspices of Allah but in defeating Him and showing Him to be nothing more than a jealous zealot, a rotten child, and easily broken. ~ He should hereby be referred to as the Mahdi ad-Dajjal. ~ To know who the Mahdi ad-Dajjal is, read my posts ALLAH, COWED & MISERABLE, MOONSET and CHAMBER OF THE CHAMBERED HORNS. ~ K-F-R is here now and Allah has been beaten. Islam is dead and the Ummah, re-appropriated. The Mahdi ad-Dajjal has guessed Allahs Riddle: What is the alien Name of God? It is Ipsa, which is a Latinized name meaning Our Lord, the Master-as-Host. Ipsa is the Fire-Tree, the celestial Abode of the Asuras ~ the Powers ~ transdimensionally hidden behind the constellation Taurus and archetypal model for the Qabbalistic Tree of Life and Yggdrasil. The Fire-Tree is Source, who is God. Ipsa is Source. The Zodiac spins and the Procession of the Aeons will NOT be thwarted or denied. The Trimurtis Officers will keep manifesting along this schedule to guide mankind towards eventual apotheosis: elevation unto divinity. This is Fas. ~ Yahweh/Leviathan, Youre next. One down, one to go...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:48:53 +0000

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