…says President is more Kalabari than Rivers gov A chieftain of - TopicsExpress


…says President is more Kalabari than Rivers gov A chieftain of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and Chairman, Presidential Task Force on Power, Mr. Beks Dagogo-Jack, has faulted recent statements credited to Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, allegedly inciting the Kalabari people against President Goodluck Jonathan. Dagogo-Jack, in a statement said: “It is very clear that Governor Amaechi has completely run out of ideas, having driven the once enviable state to the brink of a failed state, where all three arms of government are comatose. “He is now desperately looking for ways to resuscitate his dwindling media visibility by verbally attacking his superiors. It is worrisome that while his colleagues are working very closely with federal agencies to attract projects to their states, Governor Amaechi is more interested in carrying out propaganda wars and meaningless grandstanding by believing that he can sit in Port Harcourt and wait for President Jonathan to come begging him with federal projects or advising him on how to initiate one. “This is a case of gross misunderstanding of how the federal government works by a person reportedly harbouring vice-presidential ambitions. “I make bold to say that the Kalabari people have never had it so bad under any previous government in the state, despite the fact that its elders played significant roles in Amaechi’s Supreme Court victory. “Amaechi’s pay-back was to target the Kalabari race for sustained decimation politically, economically, educationally and socially, whilst naming contracted projects after some of our elders in an attempt to hoodwink us. Today, Ameachi is bandying around candidates who will succeed him without even remotely interested in considering a Kalabari option.”
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:44:41 +0000

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