{spoiler alerts} Interstellar Movie .. Christopher Nolan - TopicsExpress


{spoiler alerts} Interstellar Movie .. Christopher Nolan ..the man who first introduced to me about the world of directors not actors .. became my cinematic hero continually astonishing from his first feature-length film Memento, to his last film The Dark Knight Rises that ended the popular trilogy.came the most awaited movie of my 2014 ...Interstellar.. is simultaneously a big-budget science fiction endeavor and a very simple tale of love and sacrifice. It is by turns edgy, breathtaking, hopeful, and heartbreaking...on the note of science fiction.. Not that Interstellar is exactly science-fiction. The film is based on the work of theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, who is well-known for his contributions to astrophysics and gravitational physics and was a consultant and executive producer on the film...but first lets talk a little bit about 2001: A Space Odyssey.. Nolan at times uses Stanley Kubrick masterpiece as a template, especially during moments of grandeur. Hans Zimmers score is no less crucial to Interstellar than Also Sprach Zarathustra was to 2001. Yet, this is no mere copy of Kubricks film; in fact, it goes far afield. Theres heroism, a la The Right Stuff. Its also a warmer, more emotional experience - less stately and abstruse.. lets come to the humanitarian aspect of the story first .. Cooper has a strong bond with his daughter, Murph (Mackenzie Foy). But when this former pilot is given a chance to head a mission into space, he grabs it. It’s all very Messianic. This rough-and-ready everyman’s destiny is to join a secret project to save the Earth directed by the ageing Professor Brand (Michael Caine). And so he blasts into orbit in the company of Brand’s daughter (Anne Hathaway) and two other scientists (Wes Bentley, David Gyasi).. we were exploring fairly chilly movie worlds. Nolan is ably assisted in this respect by a cast you can believe in. The real star is McConaughey: his earthy grit and family-man vulnerability are well placed: we believe his tears when the reality of multi-decade space travel sets in. Meanwhile the father-daughter relationship between Caine and Hathaway hits home with a sharp brutality.And brutal is the word: this is a sharp, tense experience. There are some staggering visual coups: an ocean rising up to form the largest wave imaginable; a space ship floating past the rings of Saturn; a late scene which turns our perceptions of space and time on their head. But alongside these thrills are moments of intense danger, and Nolan makes us feel the threat, honing in on mechanical problems and other everyday risks..it showed us every aspect of human being LOVE which even crosses the barriers of time space and universe to extend in to a fifth dimension ..LOVE which holds the lead role to its purpose ,LOVE though just a glance between Love isn’t something we invented. It’s observable, powerful, it has to mean something... Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. FEAR every moment knowing maybe their last , COURAGE to step out as loneliest humans ever ,FAILURE OF VIRTUES the person showed the courage to seek out breaks down to save himself ..HOPE ,, even in the 5th dimension trying to find a way ,HOPE that ghost wants to tell something ... next up is science people telling its merely a fact until someone googles it.. thats half correct ..its not a documentary about black hole or traveling in time and space its a movie ...most of the facts are well adapted according to need of movie.. WE REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT BEHIND EVENT HORIZON ..SO SCIENTIFICALLY ITS POSSIBLE TO LEAD TO SOME WHERE VERY CLOSE TO US RATHER THAN SOMETHING UNKNOWN. Often when we talk about cinema being a ‘ride’, we’re hinting at a lack of substance, an absence of ideas, an opportunity to switch off. Not so here. ‘Interstellar’ is, in large part, a spectacle. But it also asks you to think hard, look hard and urges you to return for more. Why only ask for the stars when you can have moons, distant planets, extra dimensions, lectures on physics and a sobering shot of terror? ‘Interstellar’ has it all.its also a story about a dad waiting 124 years to see his daughter .. ITS ALSO ABOUT Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. ..
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 13:53:40 +0000

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