*story time* ~hallow~ Voldemort and bellatrix where inseprable - TopicsExpress


*story time* ~hallow~ Voldemort and bellatrix where inseprable from the moment they met...They would be hiding in corridors jumping out on unsuspecting teachers and studants in the first years in school, and hexing peoples pumkin juice at lunch to make them come out in boils and have a swollen head. It want till the 3rd year that young voldemort trusted bellatrix with his secret ... "Bella" voldy sighed "i have a secret that only you can know and to you alone i trust" Bellas eyes widened *could this be it * she thought *could this be the moment he says he loves me as much as i love him* "i can talk to snakes" continued voldy "i thought others could do it till i got here and realised no one had brought a pet snake" Bellas shoulders slumped a little she already knew that she could hear him on a night in the commen room speeking in diffrent tounge, she looked up and put on a suprised face on "thats amazing iv never heard off such a thing can i hear it can i hear you talk to nagini" her smile wild across her lips, voldy fetched his closest ally and spent the night talking to his 2 favourite people in the world. As they left school they grew closer voldemort had given bella what she wanted him as hers, he was now at the top the darkest wized off all time and bellatrix was there by his side hand in hand they recuted and faught and made there dark twisted family together... But that all stopped, one night voldy didnt return from killing the family off a baby boy that would one day ruin there power off darkness, Bella searched day and night for her love her heart ached with guilt "why did i not go with him!!!!" she cryed "WHY DIDNT I GO WITH HIM" she sob hard into the night she had looked for years but eventually gave up hope... Bella was sat in her sisters family home when a famillier burning stung her arm " it cant be " she wispered, she wisked off to where her mark was calling her and there he was standing proud darker more fearsom but the love was still there they embrased "bella oh how i have missed you" her voldy whispered into her ear as more people began to show he let go not showing weakness. Bella longed to stay in his arms for longer but she knew it couldnt be so so she smiled slightly knowing that that was there little secret "my lord" she questioned " why may i ask have you called us to the out scerts off hogworts" voldy turned with a devilish smile "WE ATTACK TONIGHT " he shouted so everyone in his dark family could hear, sniggers and wooping followed "there defences wont stand forever" they all stood side by side bella next to her beloved voldy waiting her comand "leave no one alive" voldy snarld and the battle started Voldy lost sight off bella as bella lost sight off voldy amogst the flashing curses and killing spells coming from every studant teacher and order bella made her way to the grate hall where voldy was fighting elagently as always then she saw the little weasley girl *harry corsed my love to disappaer for years i will get revenge but make it permanent* she waded threw the fallen and rased her wand and let out a cackling laugh, the weasley girl spun round throwing a curse bella blocked it and threw one back hitting her *to easy fight you little spit fight* she thought, the weasley girl stumbled back her mother jumped into place "not my little girl you BIT**" she screamed. Bella laughed and threw curses glancing at voldy who was glancing back *hes watching me fight for him * bella thought "thats it bella leave no one!" voldy screamed over the nosie he was proud off her he smiled a tiny smile *thats my girl*...Voldy was watching weasley and bella going at it curses flying from eachother with pasion then the unthinkable happend bella had been hit voldy ran as fast as he could to her but it was to late he wasnt fast enouth half way to her he watched as she turned into dust "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BELLATRIX!!!!!!!!!!!! BELLAAA!!!!!!!" He let the castcade off tears fall inside his rage growing and with that he wisped off in his black cloud in the search for harry potter all along in he head thinking *i must die to be with my bella again* (hope this isnt to long or boring ~hallow~)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 20:02:31 +0000

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