...that awkward feeling (TAF): TAF when I leave my Weight - TopicsExpress


...that awkward feeling (TAF): TAF when I leave my Weight Watchers meeting, go to kickboxing, and then go to the McDonalds drive-thru for ice cream. Dont judge. TAF when I do an incredibly awkward duck waddle around the gym for 60 long minutes because I cant undo a wedgie while wearing boxing gloves. TAF when the wreath I just made and have displayed says Katy Igers because I cant find a T at the store...several stores. Gooooo Igers! TAF when I have been in denial but truly realize the magazine Ive been subscribing to for the last twenty years is really, really, really for twenty-year-olds, not forty-year-olds. Im not quite ready to give up quizzes in the back of magazines yet! TAF when Cooper and I keep slamming the laptop shut because we get busted for perusing the Petfinder website by my non-dog-loving husband. Daily. Even though my own 4 dogs are totally on my nerves right now. This might require therapy. TAF...speaking of dogs...this has happened to me repeatedly: TAF when I spend hours searching for friends for the perfect rescue pet, spend lots of time discussing likes/dislikes, and visit shelters- only for the person to do the despicable...go to a breeder behind my back. Yuck. Thanks for wasting my time. Yes, Im absolutely judging these people. TAF when you are fully aware that certain body parts will/are sagging...but you never EVER thought your knee cap skin would be one of those saggy parts. What?!?! TAF when the person tells a story...thinks its hilarious...and RETELLS it again like I didnt just hear it five seconds ago, reemphasizing the punch line. Umm...I got it the first time. And the second time. A third time...seriously?? TAF when a person thinks their kid is SOOOOO CUTE so he allows him to go from table to table at a restaurant and play HotWheels across your table and cough on your food. Public Service Announcement: if a kid is not directly related to you, they are only found charming and cute by strangers for about 30 seconds. Period. I dont care how cute the kid is. Yes, even your kid. TAF when I get caught twirling under my neighbors Crepe Myrtle tree because I am pretending the white blowing petals are snowflakes. Hey- at least my rendition of Let It Go was fairly quiet.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 00:55:00 +0000

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