...thats a security camera. .. The other one is the earth globe - TopicsExpress


...thats a security camera. .. The other one is the earth globe with an owl standing on it. Looking back at you. Thats Dini. She doesnt really look like an owl looks like an angel with wings but its posted be intimidating looking to keep the enemies way from the earth and other ally planets... I wish I wouldve woke up during the day and made some phone calls. I was dreaming about that all night. But unfortunately, when I returned home I ordered a pizza. And Diet Coke and then I eat the food, but I didnt drink the Diet Coke until 4 AM. The caffeine Me awake. I didnt think about it. And then I couldnt sleep and I didnt fall asleep until 11 AM. And I was thinking should a phone now but I dont feel well, Ill take a nap. And then all this time went by and I just woke up. I dreamt about calling when I was sleeping.I dont usually dream about that... I also saw a picture of Pope Francis making a satanic hand sign for a joke in the Philippines.probably related to her song about having fun. Dont do that. You scare people who are suffering... It doesnt encourage Satanist to give money... Nothing should have to encourage anybody to give money they should do it because theyre human beings. And it could just as easily happen to them. And if it does their money wont help them either... They just think it will... Though never encourage people to betray me. Or support Satanism because its real. Its not a joke... Obviously he knows Im going to say this. .. seems every time we give A Christian a bit of power they start flipping me off... claiming its a joke... dont screw up my life any more than you have... it just shows you how different event people create in the world affect even the most powerful people who become weak minded and betray us for a joke and then it becomes real... I suffer through watching the French government and the British government turn 3.7 million people opposing me and insulted me ruthlessly. You think thats a joke, and then 1 billion other people supporting that because they think its a joke. And here Im the only person that can save this planet. yet all these people have sued other people. Its like always people in the music business complain theyre not stealing songs. Yet, Lady Gaga, Sue somebody for stealing her songs. And McRae accuses Katy Perry of stealing his songs. Yet he stole my songs... But hes saying I cant get her any more than you can get me... But thats not true. Im a Supreme Court judge, youre not. Im a police chief, youre not. Im a commander-in-chief. Im the law. Everyone knows that... ... I never set out looking for trouble. But if you tell me Im the problem then I will become your problem... In the courtroom... I should feel comfortable just picking up a phone unfolding anybody and expecting them to have a secretary waiting for my call. But thats not the case... If I happen to be only a week at nighttime. There should be somebody waiting for my call. But there probably isnt... Now Im getting hungry again... I spent every cent I have on Ordering restaurant food... I really dont have a choice. I have the phone somebody to get out of the situation. Ive set up my life to force me into making calls. The loneliest place Ive ever been is my apartment ... ... 90% of the time I sit in this chair and I look at the wall. Because Im not just looking at the wall. The wall is like a movie projection screen. Its not that I mean. When Im looking at it I see all of this stuff... In my head on the wall... Like movies that are really playing... Some people call it meditation or thinking but I dont know anything about that... But its a form of meditation. I think where you envision your thoughts in a moving picture in your head... Its not craziness when Im talking about. Im well aware of what Im doing... is just thinking Im always thinking, but I dont realize... See if I was working a job I would be occupied. But I dont watch TV. Because Im scared to because of what it might see... I dont really associate. I can play my guitar. Because my arms.... So I think about all the things on the infinity that have been going on and all these meetings and I can see it all happening on the wall... But I think the reason why is because I brought projectors down and tried them out on the wall. And they created a holographic wall that look like you could walk into it into a different city. But obviously when I tried to do that I would stuff my arm or my nose or my knee... LOL thats a real it looks... But I also watch some movies now. And I watched the movie American sniper because someone was posting about that movie. I was thinking wow, thats a good movie. They really captured the character. As being a typical good person. And then at the end. I noticed it was a Clint Eastwood movie. And then I remembered all the things I said about Clint Eastwood that were really horrible things. Because of the elections two years ago. And he was supporting Mitt Romney and I didnt know Clint Eastwood was a Mormon... So I tore that guys hair apart. I was pretty mean I dont even remember what he did wrong... That we were so loyal to Obama And Al Sharpton that it didnt matter... But I really regret what I did... Im never going to apologize because of the fact I wasnt wrong about what I was saying. I was wrong about what I did. Theres a difference... My motivation for doing it is what Im saying... I noticed Mike Huckabee said something about Beyoncé.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:59:31 +0000

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