*the Nephilim Child was sitting on her Phantom steed Agony who had - TopicsExpress


*the Nephilim Child was sitting on her Phantom steed Agony who had since a while her new shape Yuki arrived a while ago the forgelands and what she saw was terrible coz everything was destroyed the place she was always with Death was gone but she knowed well now isnt time for sadness now its time for big deeds she remembered what her brother told her as she asked him how to resurrect everything so that the balance can be restored again*hmm... Shadow what do you see?*a Crow who did sitting not far away from her on a stone did letting a softly croak hear and started to flying towards her like he could read her thoughts while she does nodding* Allrighty show me the way i will follow you my friend*she does spur AGony and did ride toward the tree of life where the gate to this well of souls are..the place where everyone does going after they died to clean their souls for getting ready for the rebirth in a new life she knowed that the Crow fathers soul was waiting for her*( Somya Roy Dutta can you be the crowfather for me? i cant make him very good )
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:25:22 +0000

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