“ there is no such thing as the rule of law, and that the only - TopicsExpress


“ there is no such thing as the rule of law, and that the only things that ultimately matter are power, fear and money”. Michael Meacher, British policitian. Well, there we have it. Meacher was talking about how our rights are being eroded, and this article below shows exactly why our beloved politurds and paedo lovers would have us go without our human rights. Of course, Meacher himself is no angel, and himself has a checquered background when ot comes to integrity, but lets not knock the effort, at least for now, when he speaks out. However, he does do from relative comfort: he has money, he has power, and to that extent is unlikey to have to encounter a court unaided, let alone as riddled with corruption as our legal system is. The whole damn system is riddled with it- and we cant be sure an election will be the answer either after the recent frauds uncovered in the Scottish referendum. So, whats next? Well that, dear reader, is very much up to you, isnt it? Mind how you go, and have a peaceful sunday. xxx voxpoliticalonline/2013/07/29/perverting-the-course-of-justice-once-a-crime-now-government-policy/
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 00:48:00 +0000

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