* this is just an insert of something I previously wrote in - TopicsExpress


* this is just an insert of something I previously wrote in between until I can pick back up.. BLOG 2 (10/22/13). Some personal background about me, Kelly Bostick, as a Mom, so this blog is 1990ish to prior to the stalking and homicide to give a limited glimpse background. So if you want to skip to the other stuff I will try to describe the blog in the first sentence so you can do that yet, here if you want to read it.(I really hate talking about all of this but must if the story is to be told correctly.) To clarify, I introduced part of my life in BLOG 1, hopefully it did not sound arrogant. For the sake of the introduction of all involved I expressed some key points. In order for people to understand this I have to be as honest as I can and expose some of my personal life, not fun but necessary because some others decided to put us in the media with a pack of lies that I now have to take the time to defend. It would be different if lives were not destroyed and no harm was done. Lives were and are being destroyed and MANY of them. So I must do something. It is also uncomfortable for me to speak about myself. I will try to do my best to summarize much of it, yet, many ask and I am tired of repeatedly defending myself and trying to explain all of this so I am going to do it in this blog and be done with it for the moment. I could seriously write a series I think to fill in details! Right now, I will try to summarize.Also, PLEAAASE keep in mind, I am no author, I am a Mom writing trying to salvage my childrens futures and remove as much trauma as I can so they have an opportunity to be productive people in their own individual lives free from being preyed on by anyone. I have to remember people reading the stuff or seeing things in media do not know us. They judge by what they are told without facts and knowledge or they think they have facts or knowledge and they have lies. Then they judge us based on those lies. One of the biggest issues with abuse is silencing the victim, I have had my fill of that garbage and if no one but God hears my voice I am going to be heard trust me, he hears it all the time..lol. I want a husband like him someday ;) I have seen additional victimization because others have said things about us that are NOT TRUE and there is NOT EVEN ANY TRUTH to it. Lies and manipulation wrecked my childhood and impacted my children despite me fighting to protect them from it and our voices were silenced while corrupt people tromped all over us. It has taken me a few years to get to a point where I could get this much done being constantly interrupted or plagued with another trauma but I never stop trying. Each one of the traumas, the stalking, the murders, the false arrest of my son, the horrific accident my brother endured all came with a multitude of legal and financial issues. So much paperwork and legal battles I was juggling, plus children, then I was fighting for child support and my job on top of it. Some about me: I am a very humble woman, yet confident of who I am, preferring to have my intellect recognized and trust me there is nothing magnificent about me in the looks or intellect department. I would consider myself average before, now well the stress of all of this has taken its toll. Before I looked much younger than my age, very fit and worked hard for that-NOW I think I look older and out of shape and I am REALLY pissed about that part trust me.. I was fortunate to be blessed with good genetics after having children yet never took that for granted, always worked out and took good care of myself, also chosing to be an interactive Mom kept me very physical as well. Nor am I a saint, I had a wild streak a mile wide at times for sure. I liked to work hard and play hard. I had my children the majority of the time and liked to enjoy myself when I did not. My young life was plagued with hardship, I worked very hard to overcome that then became a single, working mom of multiple children, there were not too many me moments in my life. But when I wanted to let my hair down and have fun in between working and raising kids I did what I wanted. when I wanted and how I wanted, some had opinions on my choices supportive or not it was just about me in those moments of venting(lots of that), celebrating, whatever the need or opportunity was at the moment is what it was. I did not slow down to explain myself nor did I crucify myself for error because I knew I was trying the best way I knew and last I checked I was the one running kids all over, cooking & I cooked homemade healthy meals breakfast, packed lunch and dinner, cleaning shopping paying bills, up all night for sickness being screamed at by bosses for being late or not staying late, or others for how they thought I should do things, yet, I was mowing the grass, fixing my plumbing or my car or what the hell ever else was going wrong, fixing injuries, keeping the kids safe, happy, educated, out of trouble and alive! It is amazing how much garbage people talk about your life when you are a single woman working hard, raising your kids and enjoying your life IF POSSIBLE in between laying on the floor crying from hardships (trust me they were there). Sometimes I wondered, do I make this look easy?? I take care of so much and so many and someone wants to tell me how to do it from the sidelines when they do not do this stuff??
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:47:08 +0000

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