★★★this post isnt intended to upset anyone its merely - TopicsExpress


★★★this post isnt intended to upset anyone its merely information★★★ we have many many fabulous customers who return to us for which we are eternally grateful ♥♥ recently we looked after 2 small dogs which we were asked due to their nervous nature and unfortunate background could we take them into the house. of course we said yes. upon collection the owner asked how much would it be to keep the 2 dogs for a week. I said it would be the €18 per night for the 7 nights. he was suprised that we only gave a reduction after a two week stay and said there no lookin after in those small dogs..this got me to thinking , perhaps our customers dont realise what happens to their dog/s whilst in our care so I thought id put their minds at ease with what the daily routine is like here but first il give a little detail on the looking after of these two small dogs... they are indeed very wary of people which isnt their fault nor their owners but it does make them hard to handle so every time we needed to get near them to take outside this could be very time consuming as both had to wear harnesses as if they were to slip a collar they would bolt for the hills . They were zero house trained so in one day and night we went through a full kitchen roll and spent extra time cleaning and disenfecting our dining room floor which by the way is laminate with grooves which doesnt do well with urine :( also dont forget this was over a evening too so up and down all evening cleaning the carpet in the sitting room also as we didnt want them to feel isolated in a room on their own when we were in the house anyway. these dogs arent dans of cats so again up and down to calm the situation when anyone of three came through the cat flap. overnight these girls growled and barked for no reason so this had me up and down 4 times throughout the night which was good for my dining room floor as I could mop up at 3am to save it soaking in to said floor ;-) We do really care about animals welfare and so when they come here to stay they are treated like our own. they arent just put in the kennels and left their the whole day only getting attention at meal times. once they are let out in the morning they are all let out into the garden area for a run around and play , sometimes all the dogs need to be all let out individually so can be very time consuming although admittedly its great when we have a social bunch and they can play together but they still have to be supervised as arguments over toys can happen. everyone is then fed and then all let out again to give them another chance to go to the toilet. when we are full each let out can take up to an hour as although we are up and down to let them out at least 5 times during the day it isnt simply a case of opening the doors to the runs and letting them out .spme dogs are born escape artists and have to be kept on leads..some dogs haveny got their timing right and will have gone in the pen which have to be mopped up , if we have a lot of unneutred males in they can cock their leg ten times an hour so always requires mopping. after the breakfast let out the next time lee goes dpwn to let them out around 10am he thoroughly cleans each kennel and run so this ia hoovering, spraying,wiping ,mopping each kennel and yes he is a bit ocd and hoovers the runs too ;-) so after all the cleaning at letting out depending on how many we have in we start walking at around 4pm, each dog get out into the woods and this can mean up to 5 walks a day for lee if im busy grooming and cant take some our to help him. once everyone has been fed in the evening and let out again which can be sometimes 7-8pm we have our evening meal- some people are only able to collect at this time due to delayed flights of whatever reason so often meal times get interrupted -its part of the job but just wanted to point out. after tea all the dogs are let out again ans if its October onwards they all get shut away into thwir rooms and the heat goes on. two hours later at 10 pm they are let out again ans then locked in for the night and coats put on fine haired breeds-not thqts its cold as its fully insulated and the heat stays in (actually warmee than our own house!) I just like them to be as cosy as possible overwinter especially if they are house dogs , everyone get s a bedtime biscuit and a cuddle and thats it until morning....that is of course mrs light sleeper hears something untoward and insists at 2am that lee should have a walk round tp see if there are any problems. then up in rhe the morning and it all starts again..this job for us is 24/7 everyday of the year including christmas day. if we need to go out we have to arrange for babysitters to let the dogs out. I apologise for the length of this post but it just occured to me that people may not realise why we do charge the €12 or €18 per night broken down on an hourly rate its nothing at all but we love having the dogs here and love the job. so again a massive thank you to our customers . Jo & Lee
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 10:20:16 +0000

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