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((¯`.´¯)). .`*.¸.*. 。☆。*。☆¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 Your DIVINITY.......forgotten, can be R E M E M B E R E D ~ Wake-UP & C L A I M~YOU back unto YOU ~ As long as You keep~YOU Down...............well, what can any~One do? But LOVE YOU!! And yet in your very awakening unto~YOU, what can others do other than to be INSPIRED By YOU, And Awaken unto themselves? To send an~Other to HELL, YOU MUST first descend unto your Inner~HELL that you create Dear Ones ~ That which YOU DO unto YOU alone can YOU do unto others ~ This is the difference between those who have Not Mastered themselves & those are through~unto~their~MASTERY / are already Masters~ They LOVE themselves in the Knowing that The~DIVINE Dwells~within them.....and it speaks LOVE as its Language unto them, & that this Provision that is LOVE leads them to inner~H A R M L E S S N E S S unto SELF & Others.... Which leads them to Create the very needed Essential DIVINE~Qualities of SOUL integrated HueMAN, P E A C E ~ L O V E ~ C O M P A S S I O N and all that YOU each are here to create & manifest with the LIGHT of your SOUL ~ ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 True~MASTERS...........are living~Declarations of the~D I V I N E ~ ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 DO You~Now~S E E Dear Ones, why it is important to LOVE YOU wholesomely, that it is vital that you remain HARMLESS within unto YOU, So that, that which you do unto YOU can be done unto others? ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 Does your SOUL keep YOU DOWN? NO ~ Your MIND~Does........it SHRINKS YOU so that it can feel alive ~ Does your SOUL keep your Mind down? NO ~ Why? aha......this is for your pondering, Which will lead you to decide / make choices CONSCIOUSLY & WISELY, So that YOU have an direct experience with YOU, within of SHRUNKEN and REDUCED, Or that YOU can grab the DIVINE LIGHT of your SOUL and experience Yourself so completely as LIGHT, WISE, EXPANSIVE, DEEP and whatever it is that YOU would look~to~SEE with your~SOUL, that A L L O W S all Greatest possibilities unto YOU! ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 Dear Ones, when YOU make choices with your MIND, as The~MIND, Then you are saying / declaring to LIFE, that your MASTER is MIND ~ Know that Your CHOICE..........has its very own Effect / Consequence(s) that you are here to OWN UP and Experience and REVIEW whether it serves YOU / ALL ~ And when YOU are making choices with your SOUL as your Inner~G U I D E, What comes to YOU to anchor to EARTH is LIGHT ~ Dont you LOVE.................this~E F F E C T in your LIFE? Well...... Create this with your SOUL and Declare the~DIVINE thusly through YOUR~HueMAN~Self, And let it be Trans~~~~~~F O R M E D in this Choice~Making of Yours, Dear Hearts ~ ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 To those of YOU who are Awakening / Awakened unto YOU, And are making the Inner Transition with your SOUL~LIGHT, YOU know you have realized that the~MIND is a Faithful Servant when assigned duties / services of subordination to YOU ~ Oh....it is just that it loves to NAG you / PREACH into YOU / Advise YOU way too much in its Short~Sightedness ~ YOU may know that YOU can make entry into your HIGHER MIND and use your Higher~MIND as conduit for your SOUL~LIGHT, For your HueMAN Transition / Transformation / Metamorphosis ~ ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 To become Mature~W I N E, YOU must go through many stages of the Process of Becoming YOU that You already are ~ Remain~UNIQUE.......Refuse to Lower your Vibrational Frequency by caving in to your MIND ~ As soon as you realize you have unconsciously chosen your Mind to be your Master, SHIFT~Back up to your HEIGHTS WITHIN with your SOUL ~ For any solution is SOUL~BASED.............and in it alone is your FRUITION / FLOWERING, Dear Ones ~ ¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 And so I SEE........and so it is ~ 。☆。¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 A L O H A 。☆。¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 。☆。¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。 C O S M I C 。*♥* 。 U N I F I E R 。☆。¸.•*♥*•..¸。☆。
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 08:33:52 +0000

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