"... understanding the dark is TO BE FREE FROM THE DARK!" please - TopicsExpress


"... understanding the dark is TO BE FREE FROM THE DARK!" please watch this amazing video below if you want to learn something real. Thank God someone else has common sense too! That is exactly what im talking about! How would you like to transcend DUALITY when you DO NOT KNOW the first thing about the other side of the coin??? How do you want to be THE COIN and integrate 2 polarities when you dont know anything about the other extreme??? Do you think running around bare foot on a flowery field and chanting mantras will help? Well, guess what, these havent helped for thousands of years for the same reason. YOU HAVE NOT LEARNT THE LESSON. HOW DO YOU WANT TO GRADUATE FROM SCHOOL? Sorry, kindergarten. Why do you think you had to incarnate here one life after the other? Do you really think it is a nice and fine place, full of love and happiness? Look again and look closer! This is my message to all New Age brainwashers and channellers who lead you to believe there is only love and harmony and butterflies and cute kittens... which is all good and fun and important BUT well, DO YOU THINK THAT IS THE LESSON OF DUALITY? I think it is just the way of the WEAK and LAZY, those who think they can get away with it. Because I think the road to Light leads THROUGH DARKNESS, at least that is exactly what I learnt. However uncomfortable, painful or taboo this might be for you. Grow up my brothers and sisters and LEARN THE TRUTH. DO NOT TURN A BLIND EYE COS THERE WILL BE A HUGE PRICE YOU DO NOT WANT TO PAY. (Gattaca, Hunger Games, NWO) I am not here to scare you, or to pull you down... jsut the opposite. I AM HERE TO TELL YOU THE GOOD NEWS. You still can be saved if you wake up! And why could you not enjoy learning how you all have been manipulated for thousands of years. Why not learn this knowledge and use it FOR THE GOOD OF ALL? So please, open your eyes. And LEARN! There is NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF. IF YOU KNOW THE TRUTH. IF YOU CAN INTEGRATE BOTH POLARITIES. And if you know how not to feed that illusionary darkness here IT WILL DISAPPEAR, DISSOLVE INTO THIN AIR. That is exactly what my next and major article will be about. The ground will shake and minds will tremble. And so be it FOR THE GOOD OF ALL! Time to really wake up to reality. youtube/watch?v=0ZD2N5SEAvs
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 17:05:33 +0000

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