((((((((( what do u think ladies)))))))) FOUR THINGS GIRLS DO - TopicsExpress


((((((((( what do u think ladies)))))))) FOUR THINGS GIRLS DO THAT MAKE HIM FLEE There you are in the pizza parlor or at the movies on your first date. And he is oh, so lovely. Suddenly you hear yourself telling him about all your previous boyfriends and what went wrong and what you did not like about them. Quick! Pretend that you are choking; excuse yourself and hop to the ladies room. Hopefully the ladies room has a window big enough for you to crawl out of – This information overload is a big No- No! Don’t you ever drag your old baggage into a new relationship. EVER. Focus on discovering who this man is and if he is a suitable candidate. Honor him by not comparing him to your past boyfriends. When you bring up the ‘others’ you are actually teaching him how to treat you on a subconscious level. And he will probably treat you like the ‘others.’ Not good. Not good at all. # SUPER DETECTIVE Girlfriend,are you sneaking a peek at his texts and inbox?If you are, two things come up for me. First of all, it shows that you are completely incapable of honoring boundaries. Secondly, your actions demonstrate that you don’t trust him. And if you don’t trust him, checking his texts will not cause trust to magically spring forth. The fact is, if you don’t trust him, for whatever reason, you need to just step away. And if he finds out that you have been playing Inspector Gadget to him – it’s a done deal baby. Pay attention but don’t go looking for trouble because you will surely find it. # PLANNING A WEDDING? SAY WHAT!!!!! You just met two weeks ago and already you are talking to him about wedding plans! Can I just slap your face right now! Snap Out Of It! Really? Do you know what you are getting yourself into? This is another characteristic that demonstrates how insecure and needy you are. And he will run into on-coming traffic if he has to just avoid being in your clutches. # OBSSESSIVE , JEALOUS BEHAVIOR When you start dating you can’t just jump into this man’s life and run things. He had a life before you. At least I hope he does. He had friends before you – and girlfriends, too. You job is to be # stunning, # observant and # refined . Don’t blow it by calling him every hour on the hour to ask what he is doing and/or who is with. Or inquiring as to whether or not he misses you! How can he possibly miss you if you are always sweating him? And another thing. Don’t go Media on him/facebook status him if he does not call you every day. It is better to be mysterious than to be octopus on him. Pay attention but relax.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:34:42 +0000

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