(y) (y) (y) MY SILENT UNDERSTANDING 14th October.2013 Dear - TopicsExpress


(y) (y) (y) MY SILENT UNDERSTANDING 14th October.2013 Dear diary, It was around 6p.m. and I was surfing net for no good reason. I opened my facebook and checked Close friend bar to see HIS recent activity but I could find none. I opened whatz app and saw his last seen which was a day back. I closed my eyes, a tear slit down my cheek, I wiped it and opened my call log in my cell. I saw our month back call log. It said 3 hours 47 minutes Suddenly a cute smile embraced my lips. No diary, we didnt had a fight or something, I am crying and distressed because I am missing him, missing him a lot. You know diary, there used to be a time when we used to talk, talk for hours that too almost everyday. There used to be a time when a single day seemed so big and incomplete with his sweet words. Those silly fights, those lovely good morning and good night msgs, those adorable talks, those never ending conversations but I dont know why now suddenly things have changed. Now we talk less, very less and that too very normally. He says he is busy. I dont understand how come all this happened. Obviously I am not liking it coz somehow I am not used to all this. At times I feel like he is ignoring me, like he doesnt like me anymore, as if he lost interest in me but diary, there is a thing called UNDERSTANDING and you know what, I have decided to give him time and understand him. Its like just coz he isnt conversing with me like months back he used to do doesnt mean he dont love me anymore. At times, other things like studies, job, profession are also on a higher note and one cant judge love on the basis of the number of minutes one conversed or the number of hours one met. Now I have understood this thing so I dont get hurt like before. Now I understand that time and distance cant ruin love if its true. Being busy cant affect love. He loves me and I know that so how does it matter if he isnt conversing with me everyday? Yes, I do miss him badly, I do miss our dialy conversations a lot but its ok. I need to understand him coz this is what true love is all about LOVE IS UNDERSTANDING YOUR PARTNER! Now that I know that he loves me, now that I trust him to the core, I can say that I miss you and I love you and I want you to talk to me like before but even if itz not possible, just keep on loving me and be with me forever and ever coz this is what I desire to the core. - Aditi
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:08:49 +0000

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