“you call it religion I call it a relationship” is the message - TopicsExpress


“you call it religion I call it a relationship” is the message a Facebook friend posted on my wall a few minutes ago! I’m not here to convert you to any religion, just to tell you guys about the peace, joy and happiness I’ve found in my life from having a relationship with God! Just knowing that He’s always with me and guiding me makes my life a whole less stressful! I don’t have to figure it all out, but just trust that whatever He wants for me is best for me! I really can’t get over how much He loves and is concerned about each and every one of us! The perfectly planned events, circumstances and people we need to teach us what He would have us to learn all show up at the perfect times! Incredible! I have constant conversations with God and that’s where I want you! Don’t stress life; just take it one step at a time paying attention to those feelings always going with the one that gives you peace when you think about it! We’re always going to have problems, challenges and troubles, but like I was reminded by Joel Osteen, “Nothing happens to us, it all happens for us!” God just uses events, circumstances and people to grow us up! And let everything you do be pleasing to God and forgive everyone for everything! I find when I’m my most loving, kind, forgiving, trusting in God self, that’s when I’m truly happiest and feel closest to God! When I’m unloving, worried, critical, frustrated, upset, unforgiving and unkind are the times I’m miserable and feel I’m the furthest from God! God is always with us and He wants us enjoying our best lives! I realized that it’s all about relationships – relationships with God and each other! It’s not about money, the stuff, the degrees or fame, just about all of the relationships that really make life happy! “Love God and as equally important, love each other.” Jesus, I got the message! Rejoice and trust God always! Live kindly, love extravagantly, forgive quickly and let everything you do be pleasing to God! WE GO WITH GOD!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 18:34:13 +0000

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