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:::☼ƸӜƷ S░ P░ I░ R░ I░ T░ U░ A░ L ƸӜƷ☼::: LIFE.WITH :- facebook/group.php?gid=401605440855 :::☼ƸӜƷ Life & Death: A Baha’i Perspective ƸӜƷ☼::: -: A K Merchant :- Humanity is approaching the crowning stage that will witness the unification of the human race. Widely accepted practices and conventions, cherished attitudes and habits, are one by one being rendered obsolete, as imperatives of maturity begin to assert themselves. The Baha’i faith says that the atman, ruh, or soul has divine origin. The individual has his beginning when the soul associates itself with the embryo at the time of conception. The soul and body, together, constitute the human being. The soul does not enter or leave the body and does not occupy physical space. Baha’u’llah says, “...the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however acute, can ever hope to unravel. It is the first among all created things to declare the excellence of the Creator, the first to recognise His glory...” The soul’s relationship with the physical body is akin to the reflection of light upon a mirror. The light which appears in the mirror is not inside it; it comes from an external source. The soul has no gender, race, ethnicity or class. Evolution in the life of the individual starts with the formation of embryo and it passes through various stages; even continues after death in another form. The reality of a person remains intact throughout the various states of his development. He does not pre-exist in any form before coming into this world. Reincarnation from the Baha’i standpoint is essentially the return of attributes and qualities, and not the essence of reality of things. Every being keeps its own individuality, but some qualities can be transmitted. There is no transmigration of soul from one body to another. We come on this planet once only. Our life here is like that of the baby’s in the womb of its mother, and which develops in that state all that is necessary for its entire life after it is born. The same is true of us. Spiritually we must develop here what we will require for life after death. In that future life, God, through His mercy, can help us to evolve characteristics which we neglected to develop while we were on this earthly plane. It is not necessary for us to come back and be born into another body in order to advance spiritually. “...Modern psychology has taught that the capacity of the human mind for believing what it imagines is almost infinite. Because people think they have a certain type of experience, and think they remember something of a previous life, does not mean they actually had the experience, or existed previously. The power of their mind would be quite sufficient to make them believe firmly such a thing had happened.” Spiritual progress continues after death, and no human being, while on this earth, can visualise its full power and extent.” So we cannot picture our state in the next world. All we know is that our consciousness, and our personality, endures in a new state, and that that world is as better than this one as this one is better than the mother’s womb. The soul retains its individuality and consciousness after death, and is able to commune with other souls on the spiritual plane.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 15:40:45 +0000

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