#مؤتمرات_علمية Announcement & call for papers - TopicsExpress


#مؤتمرات_علمية Announcement & call for papers WHAT DO WE LOSE WHEN WE LOSE A LIBRARY? Dear colleague, We are pleased to announce that the international conference ‘What Do We Lose When We Lose A Library?’ will be held in Leuven, Belgium, from September 9 to 11, 2015. To commemorate the centenary of the destruction of the Library in 1914, the Goethe-Institut Brüssel, the British Council Brussels and the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) are organising a three day international conference with two conference themes Library & Heritage and Library & Digital challenge. The conference is addressed to scholars as pioneers of organising cultural memory through expertise and knowledge. The aim is to raise worldwide public consciousness of the important task of sharing collective and cultural memory, and to raise awareness of the challenges libraries face in performing this task. More information about the conference is available on the website. Deadlines Abstract submission is now open Monday January 26, 2015: Early bird registration opens Monday March 2, 2015: Deadline abstract submission Monday March 30, 2015: Abstract acceptance announced Friday May 15, 2015: Deadline early bird registration Monday August 31, 2015: Registrations closed Keynote speakers We are very happy to announce invited lectures by: Aleida Assman David McKitterick Ismet Ovčina Wolfgang Schivelbusch Michael F. Suarez, S.J. Herbert Van de Sompel Father Justin Call for Papers & Posters Do you have a challenging perspective or new enlightening research on the conference subjects “Libraries, Heritage & Memory” and “Libraries and Digital Challenge” you want to present at the 2015 library conference? Abstracts for oral and poster presentations focusing on refection or latest developments can be submitted until 2 March 2015. Authors of selected abstracts be invited to present during the Leuven conference (Abstract acceptance will be announced on 30 March). Full papers will be published in the post conference proceedings. Theme I : Libraries, Heritage & Memory In this section, speakers address aspects of libraries as memory institutions. What is the importance of keeping and developing our written heritage? How has this heritage been threatened in the past, especially by wars and political events? Do the same patterns occur today? And what can libraries do to strengthen their position? Scholars in the field of history, library science and communication, cultural, conservation and preservation disciplines are invited to submit an abstract in the theme ‘Libraries, Heritage & Memory’. Topic 1 Destruction of libraries Material threats in libraries worldwide: wars, calamities and libraries. Recent cases and strategies for protection Ideological threats to heritage collections in libraries worldwide: closing society from ideological narrowing and manipulation to censorship of collections Limited to forbidden access of libraries, destruction of (minority) languages and traditions Topic 2 Social and cultural impact of libraries Current and future roles of libraries for cultural heritage: museums, centers of reading, education and research, monuments of prestige Libraries and (national, regional, local) identity The costs and benefits of communication and tourism for libraries. The role of libraries in urban space Topic 3 Collection care & preservation Measures in case of armed conflict or disaster. Cases and reflection Experiments, innovations in conservation, risk assessment, preventive and sustainable practice Strategies for balancing preservation and access Theme II : Create and maintain. Libraries and Digital Challenge In this section, speakers address aspects of libraries in an increasingly digital context. What are the opportunities and challenges connected with digital libraries? How to provide global access to digital collections? What are suitable economic and technical solutions? And how do we deal with legal issues and sustainability concerns raised by the digital turn? How do we deal with legal issues and sustainability concerns raised by the digital turn? What must be done to prevent the loss of cultural heritage? Scholars in the field of information science, library management and digital humanities are invited to submit an abstract in the theme ‘Libraries and Digital Challenge’. Topic 4 Digital Libraries: Identity and Society Integrating access to both digital and physical materials Making digital libraries useful to different communities of users and for different purposes How many digital libraries do we actually need? Topic 5 Legal issues and sustainability of Digital Libraries Legal issues associated with accessing, copying, distributing and adapting digital collections Ownership of born digital content and of digital heritage representations Economic models for digital libraries Topic 6 Technological Opportunities for Libraries Methodological and technological advances in the digitisation of analogue materials Long-term preservation, interoperability, authenticity, preservation metadata and primary data Protocols and standards to facilitate the assembly of distributed digital libraries Open cultural data, linked data objects and semantic annotation Looking forward to meeting you all in Leuven for an inspiring meeting, Yours sincerely, Lieve Watteeuw On behalf of organizing committee Mel Collier; Hilde Van Kiel, Garrelt Verhoeven, Sonja Griegoschewki, Andrew Murray, Lieve Watteeuw https://kuleuvencongres.be/libconf2015
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 18:19:40 +0000

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