िववकेयोहारUniversalFestivals ☆ The - TopicsExpress


िववकेयोहारUniversalFestivals ☆ The Significance of Diwali ☆ Diwali is one of the most popular and widely celebrated religious Hindu festivals. The origin has a plural dimension according to stories in Hindu mythology. The majority of devotees celebrate Diwali to commemorate the coronation of Shri Rama on his return to Ayodhya after fourteen years in exile. Other stories talked about King Bali who had imprisoned Shri Lakshmi and other deities, and yet there are other myths of Yama the God of Death who granted amnesty to those who lit earthen lamps and followed the righteous path. All devotees invoke the blessings of Mother Lakshmi during this period. According to the teachings of Rajyoga, Diwali is the coronation of Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan as the first Empress and Emperor of the Golden Age or Satyuga. It is one activity in a larger event in world history, when the Supreme Soul God Shiva, incarnates at the end of Kaliyuga, to free mankind from the chains of Maya, the jail of Rawan, releasing them from the bondages of the world and protecting them from the five vices. In summary, God Shiva descends on earth and incarnates into Brahma at the end of each cycle of five thousands years, to give Godly knowledge and relate the secrets of the Creator and the creation. This is known as the night of Shiva or Shivaratri and His descent is celebrated as ShivJayanti, Shiva’s divine birth. His main purpose is to change man from being vicious to virtuous and from impure to pure. This is done through Knowledge (Gyan) and Yoga. This is really the transformation of man into deities or as we say in hindi, “Nar into Narayan”. Brahma and Saraswati are the first to have had this realization and transformation. Brahma and Saraswati assisted Shiva in establishing the new world order. The festivals of Shivratri, Gita Jayanti, Holi, NauRatum and Raksha Bandhan are all the other activities that assisted in destroying the vices and the purification of the five elements and the soul. It is only then the new world is ready for the birth of Radha and Krishna, the first Princess and Prince of Satyuga, and celebrated as Radha and Krisen Janamastami. Radha and Krishna in married form become Lakshmi and Narayan. The coronation of Lakshmi and Narayan is the celebration of Diwali. This is why to many people, Diwali marks the start of the new year. This is more so because Diwali is hosted in the month of Kartic, and Kartic represents the establishment of the new world order, change from old to new and it signals the end of human bondage. Kartic is also the last festival in the year. All these activities occurred at the confluence of the iron and golden ages called the confluence age or Sangam Yuga. In fact, the beginning of the new world starts at that point and the date is then 01-01-01. Three thousand years after when Jesus the Christ came, they zeroed the calendar and introduced BC and AD. Diwali is the celebration of the victory of the divine virtues over the vices of anger, greed, ego lust and attachment. In short, it is referred to as victory of “Good over Evil” or “Light over darkness”.. The combined form of Lakshmi and Narayan are represented by the four-armed Vishnu and Maha Lakshmi depicting the male and female attributes. Therefore Diwali reminds us of our main aim and object to acquire and attain the following attributes and qualifications necessary to have the perfection of this God and Goddess, Lakshmi and Narayan. Completely vice-less, that is free from Anger, Greed, Ego, Lust and Attachment. Possess 16 celestial degrees purity that is perfection in the sixteen (16) arts of life. All virtuous, that is to be the embodiment of the thirty-six (36) virtues. All Powerful, it is to use the eight powers in all thought, actions, relationships and actions. Completely Non-Violent, that is characteristic of the deity religion. To follow and practice all the codes of conduct as enshrined in the divine laws. When human beings reach this stage of perfection, they acquire deity status, and number-wise they become the residents of the golden age as rulers and subjects. The Golden age is known as heaven. Here peace and happiness merge into fruition, i.e. jeevanmukti, where there is complete harmony between the inner self (soul) and the external self (body). Diwali is celebrated in the darkest night of Kartik by invoking the goddess Lakshmi. The festival is celebrated over a period of five days, two days on each side of the main Diwali day. The first day is the thirteenth (13th) day of Kartik called Dhanteras. On this day one big earthen lamp is lit and new household items are bought signifying a new consciousness. This is sometimes called “the Jam Deya”. The second day is the fourteenth (14th) day of Kartik called Roopchaudas or Narak Chaturdashi or Chhoti Diwali. on this day, there is beautification and floral decoration of homes accompanied by lighting a few earthen lamps. The third day, the main Diwali day celebration is the fifteenth (15th) day of Kartik. On this day earthen lamps are lit in abundance, there is a massive preparation of food and sweets, wearing of new clothes and performance of Maha Lakshmi Poojan. The fourth day, known as Ankhood day, is when greetings are exchanged and sweets are distributed in many families as well as gathering of friends. The fifth day is known as Bhai Dooj. Here, sisters express special love to brothers doing Aarti, placing tilak on their foreheads and offering sweets. The entire celebration is a memorial of our transformation from ordinary degraded, to pure perfect human beings called deities. This happens in the confluence age when God Shiva incarnates on earth to reveal the knowledge of the Creator and creation, the drama of human souls and the eternal world drama. Here the spiritual significance of Diwali is that instead of oil poured in the earthen lamps, divine knowledge and yoga are used to fuel the symbolic sacrificial fire in man’s intellect causing a massive flame where the five vices can be completely burnt out and destroyed. The burning of the vices and the bondages of this old degraded world is “Holika”. This is the sacrificial fire of knowledge and called the “Rudra Gita Gyan Yagya”. This celebration therefore represents the fruits of the activities of the confluence age. This is the only time in the world cycle when Lord Shiva descends on earth to remove unrighteousness and irreligiousness by imparting Godly knowledge and divine virtues to his children. Souls who recognise these teachings make effort to achieve perfection. In this new world, every day is Diwali day where each enlightened soul in deity form lives in peace, love, harmony and self-respect for each other.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:56:04 +0000

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