*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO *NAMO - TopicsExpress


*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO *NAMO *ॐ We Salute Divine Yogi and SAD GURU, GURU TATTWA for His Incarnation on Earth Plane for Welfare Humanity of Universe. The Great Spiritual Magnate Shri Paramahansa Yogananda or Paramhansa Yogananda, born Mukunda Lal Ghosh, was an Indian Divine Yogi and SAD GURU, GURU TATTWA who introduced millions of westerners to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga through his Debate, Expression, Practical Practice & book & so forth. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Born: January 5, 1893, Gorakhpur Died: March 7, 1952, Los Angeles, California, United States Education: Scottish Church College, University of Calcutta Nationality: American, Indian ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥ May all be happy. May all be healthy. May we all experience what is good and let no one suffer. *ॐ~Vedanta Version~ॐ* NO EUROPEAN,NO AFRICAN, NO ASIAN, No American, No Indian, No Russian & so forth, All we are HUMAN BEING & Part & Parcel of LORD (GOD or THE ULTIMATE REALITY) . HIS consciousness is FLOWING in every individual beings of UNIVERSE in PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable. It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ This is the Goal of Human Existence (Self- Realization), and Ultimate Realization of this GOAL is the object of every RELIGION, the modes of worship and their Rituals may differ to any extent. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ This is the question that hunted every individual beings of Universe. The Global Phenomenon of the incessant search for the true meaning of life which has been attracting atheistic Westerners to India signalling the Victory of Spiritualism over Materialism. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Truth, Forgiveness, Kindness, Compassion, Humanity, Humility, Wisdom, Virtue, Patience, Tolerance, Self-Control, Unconditional Love, Peace, Happiness. Plus a Great Sense of Humour, Makes the World OK, Every Single Day, whichever way it may be!!. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ श्री* ॐ~श्री*~* ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ*श्री** ॐ*श्री* ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ*श्री** ॐ*श्री* What is the meaning of Life ?. Coming Together is Beginning without Illusion of Dvaita (Duality). Keeping Together is Progress without Illusion of Dvaita (Duality). Working Together is Success without Illusion of Dvaita(Duality). ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Everything in Religion only else display of words to misguide the Mass Of Universe. If we do not Consider the others Consideration then it will not form any reaction in the mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche). As somebody abuses us and we do not accept it by Heart & MIND & CHITTA or we do not keep his words in mind then there will be no reaction at all. Actually, all the human beings in this World are entirely pure in their existence by birth even with their physical body or without body, and not due to their consideration by being HINDU, MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, BUDDHIST, JAIN, BRAHMIN, SCIENTIST, PROFESSORIAL, ADVOCATE, ADMINISTRATOR, RICH, POOR & POLITICIAN & so forth. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ These consideration are included in their sub- consideration, their mind behave as they consider themselves. As some one consider himself a HINDU then all the rituals of the Hindu Religion will be added in his consideration & so forth in all Religion of the world. Others consideration create rapid reaction in those who stick (attach) themselves more to their own imaginary belief & consideration. (Abstraced from Book Prarbdha Divya Path)* ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Everything else display of words to misguide the Mass Of Universe. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity & other Religions are not only Dharma (Righteous Conduct & Act), but also Doctrines which suggest the means of moving toward Dharma (Righteous Conduct & Act). Everything else display of words to misguide the Mass Of Universe. The Major Religions of the world are a FEW in Number.They are: (a).The Religions of Indian Origin: Hinduism & its branches - Buddhism, Jainism, & Sikhism. (b).Semitic Religions - Judaism, Christianity & Islam. (c).The Persian Religion of Zoroastrianism. (d). Taoism & Confucianism of China. (e). The Japanese Shintoism. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ श्री* ॐ~श्री*~*ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ~श्री*~ ॐ*श्री** ॐ*श्री*ॐ*श्री** ॐ*श्री*श्री** ॐ श्री* ॐTo Realize Reality.श्री* ॐ What is the Sacred Universal Principle? If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu. If you are a Christian, be a better Christian. If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim. If you are Jew, be a Better Jew & so forth through Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity i.e. Code of Righteousness for welfare of humanity. Embrace the True & Pure knowledge of Hinduism (Sanatans). Embrace the power of the Muslim Religion. Embrace Love & Service of the Christian Religion. Embrace Peace of the Buddhist Embrace Ahimsa (non -violence) of the in Jainism. Embrace Sikhism of the enjoy. Embrace the purity of Mind & Chitta of the Sanatan Religion . ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( श्री ॐ, Religion based on Consciousness)?. You make a Religion of all Religions, including Which knowledge - Purity - Peace - Happiness - Love - Strength, What Religion in the world i.e. CHAITNYA - DHARMA ( श्री ॐ, Religion based on Consciousness)?. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Everything else display of words to misguide the Mass Of Universe. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Hinduism, Islam , Christianity. & other Religions are not only Dharma, but also Doctrines which suggest the means of moving toward Dharma. Some are Action- Oriented, Some of Japa - Oriented, Some Sentiment - Oriented, Some Worship - Oriented, Some Prayer - Oriented, And Service - oriented. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ The Distinction of Sanatnis or Hinduism is that it is not the means but the state of the CHITTA (mind stuff, psyche ). The state of Chitta is not the same for all beings. Everyones Samaskaras (accumulated impressions), Prarabdha ( destiny created by past karma), sentiments , faith and tendency are different, and thus one doctrine or Spiritual Practice is not appropriate for all. ॐGuru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdhaॐ We Aspire to Inspire before WE Expire. The Universal Warriors & Soldiers Creed for the welfare of Living & Non Living. We are Universal Warrior & Soldier. We are the Warrior and a member of the Divine team of Universe. We serve the people of the Universe., and live the Moral Values & Ethics. We will always place the Divine mission of welfare of Living & Non Living first. We shall never accept defeat. We shall never quit the Moral Values & Ethics. We shall never leave a fallen in Mental Tendencies i.e. Ego, Greed, Selfishness & so forth. We shall disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in our warrior tasks and drills. We shall always maintain our arms,our equipment and our self. We shall expert and we are the professional of Nature. We shall stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies i.e. Mental Tendencies : Vices, Vasana & so forth We shall guardian of freedom and the Ancient way of life. We shall Universal Warrior & Soldier. ॐGuru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddismॐ Think Country Wide & Globally, Act Homely & Locally, Socially, Religiously & Spiritually every moment for welfare of Humanity. * ॐॐ ॐॐॐ* ॐॐ ॐॐॐ* ॐॐ ॐॐ ॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ If All Doctrines Lead to the same God, then why this Mutual Animosity and Arguments?. RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* NO EUROPEAN,NO AFRICAN, NO ASIAN, No American, No Indian, No Russian & so forth, All we are HUMAN BEING & Part & Parcel of LORD (GOD or THE ULTIMATE REALITY) . HIS consciousness is FLOWING in every individual beings of UNIVERSE in PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* WHY .?The whole world burns in the fire of selfishness & ego.? Why we are all together not emerging & manifesting the light of SELFLESSNESS , TOLERANCE , PATIENCE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & MENTAL PEACE. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* First of all our MINDS should be PURE toward EACH OTHER. There are FAULTS on BOTH sides DEVELOP a HABIT of LOOKING at OUR OWN. ♫ ♫ ♫.•*¨`*•...ॐ.¸☼ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫♫♫ .;;;..Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.ॐ. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ;;; .. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ....…. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ...….. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ;;;. ;;;. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ....…….ॐ.…..….. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.;; ;Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.....….ॐ.ॐ..…..…. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ;;; Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ..ॐ...Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ….ॐ.. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ;;;. ;;. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.ॐ..ॐ...ॐ..Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ;;;. ♫ ♫ ♫.•*¨`*•...ॐ.¸☼ ¸.•*¨`*•.♫♫♫ *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Within us there are not only weaknesses, helplessness and misconceptions in abundance. Infinite capability, infinite wisdom and boundless joy are also present. If there is a disease within us, then its cure is also within us. You must recognize the power within and its influence. Be established within the self and burn down our defects of selfishness, ego, hate,hatred, enmity, lust, propensity & vices. *ॐ~Prarbdha, Guru Tattwa ~ॐ* Whatever TRICK MIND &Chitta (Mind stuff,psyche) uses,a Human must use the same TRICK to DEFEAT it. The Surrender is a NATURAL STATE that is devoid of EGO & Illusion. This EGOISTIC and SELFISH world has its own way of thinking. True Happiness lies within,which can be attained by rising above the SENSES. A ordinary person accepts the world only so for as the reach of his sense organs. Beyond that all he sees is Darkness. But a true individual, aspirant,devotee talks of a joy that is beyond the senses. For him the BRIGHTNESS of the world around him is only DARKNESS in which the joy that is beyond the senses has dissolved and is lost. TRUE HAPPINESS lies within,which can be attained by rising above the senses. There is living being who represents a small universe within himself (Human body & Universe is Homologous,Y atha Pinde -Tatha Bramhande :Vedanta Version). This is called the individual level.The union of the whole (gross) and the conscious takes place within a persons body. The world as well as our body is mix of PROPITIOUS and UNPROPITIOUS. Just as Strongly and Egotistically as a man Indulges in Thoughts of doing different Karmas ( actions) he adds as much strength and momentum to the Wheel of MAYA {Veil of Illusion,Veil of Parabdha(destiny)}. Whatever TRICK MIND (Chitta,Mind stuff,psyche) uses,a Human must use the same TRICK to DEFEAT it. * THE ELIMINATION v\s The ILLUMINATION* The whole world burns in the fire of selfishness. Just as two different points can not meet,similarly selfishness and selfless service can not survive in the same place i.e. heart & mind. The whole world burns in the fire of selfishness. Selfishness is like a river that may flood any season. It is like a well that is never filled. It is a hunger that is never satisfied. It is like a desert that where owls continuously howl. It is like a thorny bush in the desert that hurts all those who pass by. It is like a pot with a hole at the bottom that can not retain any water. It is like a whirlpool that has swallowed many boats in its belly. It is a tornado that not only lifts those who wants to go with it, But also drags up those who may not want to. THE WHOLE WORLD BURNS IN THE SELFISHNESS. Just as two different points can not meet,similarly selfishness and selfless service can not survive in the same place i.e. heart & mind. Elimination of ILLUSION & Misconception is the GOAL of Social Conductivity,Religiosity & Spirituality i.e. Guru Tattwa, Prarabdha. *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ* NAMO ~*ॐ*NAMO ~*ॐ*~NAMO* ॐ*NAMO *NAMO *ॐ* What is Moddism ? We Aspire to Inspire before WE Expire for Nationalism & Patriotism. What is MODDISM for welfare of Humanity & Mankind as well as Nature i.e. Divine Five Tattwa: Earth, Air, Water, Fire & Akash 9 Sky, Ether). ?. Virtuous, Moral Character Every Moment in every Bhartiya (128Crs.). तुम मुझे त्याग ( Sacrifice ) दो, में तुमे एकता, राष्ट्रीयता से औत प्रोत कर दूँगा, मैं तुम्हे एक महान ( New Great India) राष्ट्र भारत दूंगा ( New Great India) & दुनिया, (World) दूंगा ! *ॐ~Guru Tattwa, Prarbdha, Moddism~ॐ* Think Country Wide & Globally, Act Homely & Locally, Socially, Religiously & Spiritually every moment for welfare of Humanity. Destroy the Illusion & Ignorance for EVER & Lives in Advaita ( Non Duality). GURU TATTWA, EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA facebook/pages/Kaushal-Bansal/183270601722361, Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. Only One God ONE FOE ALL & ALL for ONE i.e. *{Holy Human}* GURU TATTWA,EINSTEINJI, MOTHER TERESAJI, GANDHIJI, POETYCAJI, PRARBDHA
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 03:16:17 +0000

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