♫♪*◊♦ღϠ₡❤*✈The words by the Seer, Bob - TopicsExpress


♫♪*◊♦ღϠ₡❤*✈The words by the Seer, Bob Jones-JULY七月*☁*❤Ϡ₡ღ♦◊ஐ* ☼A New Dawn for the Children of Light.給光明之子一個新的黎明☼ ♛Why do children of light come under such demonic attack at certain times of the year? In Ephesians 5 it says that we are light. 〠 ♞For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (Eph. 5:8) ♞以弗所書 5:8 - 當像光明的子女 8 從前你們是暗昧的,但如今在主裡面是光明的,行事為人就當像光明的子女— ♛Recently I’ve seen that people whose light is getting brighter have come under a stronger demonic attack than ever before. As I was praying on what to do about this, this is what I heard: “When you turn a light bulb on in the darkest of night, what does it draw? It draws Beelzebub!” Flies, mosquitoes and other bugs are literally like the enemy’s tormentors. And the children of light are getting under a stronger demonic attack. These tormentors come to distract and put out their light. 〠 ♛If you’ve been under attack recently it simply means that your light has been turned up because you’ve had a strong hunger and thirst for God. So don’t turn your light off or out. Instead let it shine brightly for all these things shall pass away when the night is over and the dawn of a new day begins當黑夜結束,新的一天黎明開始. I feel that very shortly, probably within a few weeks, the night will be over and a new day of light shall begin. And a new purpose for the children of light is coming forth to reveal the true light of God. 〠 ♛So this is what I believe He’s speaking to me. The true light of the children of God will understand what is already written in the Bible. This Beelzebub realm; flies, mosquitoes and things of darkness, will grow darker as it comes to steal your light. The darker the night is in the world, the brighter the light of God flows from the children of God. 〠 ♛Don’t let Beelzebub have your light because this attack is a short-lived thing and it will shortly pass away. Then the light of day will come and the time of the light in you being revealed is close at hand. So don’t back up and don’t let the enemy steal your love, your joy or your peace. Hold on to them during this time of attack because the enemy is short winded and shortly the attack will be over. And ☼the light that you have will shine brighter in the light of the Son. 〠 bobjones.org/Docs/Words%20of%202013/2013-07_NewDawnChildrenOfLight.htm
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 05:28:05 +0000

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