~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Are you already a Jesusonian? \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - TopicsExpress


~ ἆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Are you already a Jesusonian? \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ᾮ ~ ~* It must be made clear that this is not about Jesus, although how He lived His life is an example of His Gospel. It is about unity without uniformity as we are all bestowed with a unique personality from God. We therefore strive to live our lives in our own unique way but by demonstrating not only by our words but by how we live our lives, as an example to others. Modern Christianity has become a religion ABOUT Jesus but it is the gospel OF Jesus which is of paramount importance ~ ~* If you can say inside your heart the following then you are Already a Jesusonian: “I profess my belief in Jesus announcement that the ideals of spirit realities are attainable; and that I can enter upon this long and eternal adventure with his assurance of the certainty of my ultimate arrival at the portals of Paradise” “I am a believer, I have embarked; I am on my way in this eternal venture. The Master says he came from the Father, and that he will show me the way. I am fully persuaded he speaks the truth. I am convinced that there are no attainable ideals of reality or values of perfection apart from the eternal and Universal Father” “I come, then, to worship, not merely the God of existences, but the God of the possibility of all future existences. Therefore must my devotion to a supreme ideal be devotion to this God of past, present, and future universes of things and beings. And there is no other God, for there cannot possibly be any other God. All other gods are figments of the imagination, illusions of mortal mind, distortions of false logic, and the self-deceptive idols of those who create them” “I see in the teachings of Jesus, spirituality at its best. Jesusanity enables me to seek for the true God and to find him” “I am willing to pay the price of this entrance into the kingdom of heaven. I am willing to be born again of the Spirit, to be remade. To enter the Kingdom as a child, fully trusting in your Father with complete faith” “I am truly forsaking the lures of the known order of existence while I unreservedly dedicate my quest to the lures of the unknown and unexplored order of the existence of a future life of adventure in the spirit worlds of the higher idealism of divine reality” “I seek for those symbols of meaning wherewith to convey to my fellow men and women these concepts of the reality of the idealism of the spirituality OF Jesus, and I will not cease to pray for that day when all mankind shall be thrilled by the communal vision of this supreme truth” “My focalized concept of the Father, as held in my heart, is that God is spirit; as conveyed to my fellows, that God is love” “I fully accept the Fatherhood of God and therefore the brotherhood of man. Every individual is my brother or sister and I shall treat them as such. I shall serve my fellow man and not be self serving” If you can say YES to the above you are a Jesusonian and if you wish you can replace your profile picture with this Star of Unity. The new symbol of humanity’s spiritual unity.... The Gospel of Jesus is the spiritual future of humanity, not by words alone but how we live our lives as a living demonstration of Divinity: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the service of our brethren ~ Read the Book about the Real Life and Teachings of Jesus for FREE. Click here to read it . . . goo.gl/RPXWQW . Are you already a Jesusonian? Click here: jesusonians/jesusonian.html . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Ʈђe Kingdom of God is within You \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_/ Embrace it with all of your heart \_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:43:32 +0000

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