• ‘’It is time for France to open its records to public - TopicsExpress


• ‘’It is time for France to open its records to public examination. France had close relations to the Hutu-dominated government that planned and incited the genocide. A lack of clarity about France’s role has poisoned its relationship with the Kagame government and hampers France’s actions in Mali and the Central African Republic. Mr. Kagame must also be held accountable for abuses in Rwanda and outside its borders, where he has gone after critics in Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and Europe. Civil and political rights in Rwanda are severely restricted. Dissidents and opposition political leaders are subject to harassment, detention and torture. Several have disappeared or been killed.’’ NY Times • Comment: France is not alone. The UN, America and the United Kingdom too should open their records to public examination: 1. What the UN, France, America and the United Kingdom governments, secret services and judicial systems knew and still know about the terrorist attack against Habyarimina that led to genocide? 2. Who did plan and execute that terrorist attack and why? 3. What all of these institutions know about the mass killings that occurred in both factions that were in war in Rwanda from 1990 to 1994? 4. Why the peace talks in Arusha failed? There was a transition government in Kigali before April 1994. If there was a planned genocide, what is the responsibility of each participant in that government? 5. The UN was in charge of maintaining an arm embargo on Kigali… Why the UN was not able to enforce its duty? 6. Mass massacres didn’t stop in 1994… They have been committed since then both in Rwanda and the Congo… Who is the ultimate responsible? Why the International Community has let the continuation of the carnage in the Congo? 7. Why only the criminals of only one Rwandan faction have been brought to Justice? Who is covering-up Truth about this tragedy and why? The African Great lakes region is facing the cross road for the future. For the last 20 years, the Victor Justice has failed to bring Peace in this region. Time has come to try the process of Truth and Reconciliation. This means that each one should admit his mistake in telling Truth in order to allow Reconciliation that can bring a lasting Peace… Each one means each internal and external player in the region… Are France, America, UK, UN, Kagame and his sponsors ready to face the burning process of Truth and Reconciliation for Peace and Shared Prosperity in the African Great lakes region? Time has come for change in Rwanda and Congo. Faustin Kuyumba, Victoire Ingabire, Paul Rusesabagina and other Rwandans who want a peaceful transition should be allowed to lead Rwanda toward Truth and Reconciliation in order to end the tragedy… Time has come for Kagame, Museveni, Kabila and Nkuruziza to step down for peaceful change in the region…
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 12:06:56 +0000

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