‘’Quick grab hold of her arm’’ with that there came a loud - TopicsExpress


‘’Quick grab hold of her arm’’ with that there came a loud crash to the floor and the embarrassment came just seconds later. ‘’ naughty! Harper bad girl today ‘’ ‘’ yet again’’ muttered Sid under her breath while picking up what’s left of the tins of Heinz baked beans of the floor and quickly pushing them onto the shelve were they were gathered before this little but usual dilemma. ‘’ Only today’’ said Nancy as she continues pushing her trolley and notices her neighbours Mr and Mrs walker who were very upper class and proper had been watching the whole beans incident that a two year old caused, (just lucky noone was injured) thought Nancy, I better not ask just incase and with that her and sid head for the frozen section. NOTE TO SELF thought Nancy always allow at least 3 feet between Harper and the baked beans, oh and I suppose soup, jars of Bolognese sauce and basically everything in sight. Except for grapes she’s allowed to eat grapes while being walked around the store, usually they are found squished down the side of her pram but today shouldn’t be to bad with her in the trolley Nancy thought and Sid is always here to help clean up if it does get messy. Nancy and Sid met at a local book fair were they got talking about Jane austins Mansfeild park and the pair have never looked back sence. They live four blocks away from each other in the busy yet settled meadow springs area and talk each day on the phone even if they see each other later that day. Nancy has four dogs, Lulu, max, tintin and bobby who is actually a girl despite what people first think, all cross breeds and lulu and max were little rescue dogs. There are two fish bubbles and flapper and Jensen her nephews hamster (as her sister is totally allergic and fearful of them – or lets just say fearful so Jensen sees his hamster Piccadilly (noone knows why he is named that it’s a word Jensen has probably picked up at school) at aunty Nans house. Hes four, five in May and just started school this year. Nancy is of a slim build, 5 ft 6 excatley as the doctor confirmed it at her checkup last month and has red long wavy hair with skin so shiny her husband cant help but kiss it morning and night. Yes HUSBAND did I mention husband, kells Philip monag 42 years old, (ten years Nancys senior which she loves telling people at special events and conferences) what delight she does take! Kells is in the film and tv business and is the man behind the casting calls looking for the person with perfect teeth or skin, (how he met Nancy, when she was shooting a commercial in Londons west end one Saturday afternoon 6 years ago.) And Now they have Harper whos 2, 4 dogs, a family home which Sid calls cluttered (and it is!) shoes, bags, bras hanging of door handles hitting you on the face as you come in. and a huge garden with a summer house that Nancys parents like to use regulary in summer as they don’t have a garden with their apartment just an allotment to grow a few things. Which Patrick is very proud of. Mary and Patrick both from county Mayo Ireland, castlebar to be excact, oh how its changed, Patrick keeps saying to Nancy and Kells. Kells mum and dad live further away, quite far away actually in Manhattan, downtown Newyork the big NYC but they do video calls every other day so it feels like they still have them around. Sometimes Kells goes their on business so gets to call in to spend some time with them but everyone who knows Jane and Rupert would no that they would just love to see Harper more, their first grandchild. Lexi is Jensens mum on nancys side, mary and patricks side, shes 31 and unlike her sister has brunette hair, natural as she would say with a few stray greys. Is quite plumpish but still has the height of her sister and their mother Mary. Today is shopping day and Jensen’s day to come visit Piccadilly. Thursday afternoons are pretty busy and after this mornings events while shopping, (the beans being only one incident, there was a lady with a scarf and YES she was wearing it at the time) Sid looked mortified as the manager asked ‘Mrs Monag could you and your daughter please get your groceries and leave our store for today’ Nancy and sid both had to laugh about it later over coffee back home at Nancys. “thank goodness shes sleeping, I know I should wake her now so she will sleep tonight but I am so tired sid, id just love a big bubble bath and a back massage, when is valentines day again? She laughed. ‘’more coffee?’’ replied sid jumping up from the large cream and brown velvet sofa, ‘’if you insist Sidney!’’ laughs Nancy and then Nancy put her feet up on the pouffee and rested a little, ‘lets get these heels off she says to herself trailing them of and throwing them beside the magazine rack. ‘’Nance Nance? ‘’ oh what is it sid im relaxing come into me! ‘’no nance cant you put these bras away somewere I mean Jensen is coming this afternoon isn’t he?’ Oh I almost forgot thought nancy and she ran to check if Piccadilly was alright and his cage was clean though jensens mum Lexi makes him do the cleaning, (with a little help from mum of course while she stands in tears practically and shakes!) Jensen is a real mummys boy hes not like some of the other kids at school who are out to tease and laugh at him for playing an angel in the nativity, which he did extremely well in, solo included! ‘’ahh I geuss I could throw all this lot in the laundry basket and shove it in my cupboard upstairs until he goes, kells will kill me. Hes been away for three days and comes home to this she said to Sid. ‘’well we best get a move on then, drink up!’’ soon it was all folded (if you could call it that) and put neatly into the cupboard. ‘’ ahh did you see the photoframe our Lex bought me sid? Come in and ill show you.’’ Now one thing sid did like about the house was Nancys bedroom, she had her own master bedroom an ensuite and Kells has his even though they still share a bed they both needed the space! Mirrored robes all the way around the teal and pink room filled with designer gear and all the latest trends, all colour coded and shoes in rows of four. ‘’now why cant downstairs be like this eh?’’ questioned Sid. ‘’oh Sidney moore do be quiet! Your just jealous, a little birdy told me!’’ ‘’well that little birdy was wrong harped sid and jumped onto the bed with its big patchwork quilt that Mary had made. Well shes called Granny Mary and Jane in Newyork is called Nanna Jane for Harper. None of them like the name harper but nanna jane is ‘warming to it’ soon sid was of back to her house 4 blocks away to do some light reading while Nancy wakes up her little bundle of joy (or monster) she thought before telling herself that’s YOUR daughter your talking about! She always loves to see Harper just after naps as shes so quiet, reserved and smiley and they have lots of mum and daughter cuddles. ‘’come on little huni bee, aren’t you going to be a good girl for mummy and aunty Lex?’’ ‘’ wanty wex come, wanty wexs come shouts harper, ‘’yes and Jensen to see picadilly, - ‘’now no trying to eat picadilly today harper!’’ soon the tv was on, cartoon dvds lay all over the main living area and Harper sat on the floor with a bowl of chopped up banana and some grapes. Sometimes Nancy thinks she needs one of those signs ‘’beware of the dog, and erm Harper isn’t too trustworthy either’’ just to warn people, just incase there are any incidients were they are nearly strangled or she wrecks the show. Lulu max tintin and bobby were out in the garden playing with their balls and jumping through hoops, they have got good at that, it was definatley one of the best buys from ‘loving your pets’ magazine last month.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 14:05:33 +0000

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