【台北 12/28(六) 貼鑽課Fashion Accessorise Design Class in - TopicsExpress


【台北 12/28(六) 貼鑽課Fashion Accessorise Design Class in Taipei, Dec 28】 會貼鑽不稀奇,如何貼的漂亮又有創意才夠耀眼! 亞洲色彩有上百種不同大小、造型、色澤、獨特、精美的鑽飾!讓學員們來教室上課還能夠挑選自己喜愛的鑽飾,立即著手創意設計鑽飾作品! 告訴你完整的設計概念,從基礎的規則排列,到進階的點綴裝飾的排列與配色技巧;專業的選材基礎知識,依照貼鑽物品的材質選擇適合貼鑽用的膠、分辨不同鑽飾、工具的選擇與認識等等,並且讓學員們輕鬆掌握「創意設計」的關鍵要領!啟發你的創意與想像的潛能,讓生活周邊的單品都能華麗變身!課程主要針對初學者入門、增加貼鑽人的進階學習、以及想創業的朋友們能有更明確的技能與明確的起步! ---------------------------------------- 台北亞洲色彩藝術中心最新課程~舊生別忘了回來復習噢! 【12/2(一);12/3(二);12/4(三)C級彩繪課】讓你三天之內變成彩繪師! ・寒假彩繪學生專屬選手營 詳細資訊:https://facebook/events/232624743558843/ 【12/7(六)或12/17(二)】 卡通&聖誕彩繪 【C級彩繪衝刺班】~亞洲色彩考生學員可免費報名參加 假日:12/7(六), 12/8(日) 平日:12/9(一), 12/10(二), 12/11(三) 【12/16會員免費說明會】讓你一天之內了解亞洲色彩最新商品以及課程,非常適合對於整體造型藝術設計有興趣的朋友們!跟我們一起創造新潮流! 【12/21(六)和12/22(日) 】美甲彩繪設計課 【1/4(六)和1/5(日) 】光療美甲課 有任何問題歡迎與我們聯繫 : 【亞洲色彩台北總公司Asia Colors in Taipei】 1.直接來電亞洲色彩:02-2377 5777 2.臉書訊息留言 3.手機網路訊息APP/LINE:0975-117761 (緊急狀況請直接來電,上班時間:9:00am ~ 6:00pm) 【亞洲色彩住宿服務Stay in our dorm】 非常歡迎其他縣市的朋友們~我們提供乾淨、舒適、方便的住宿服務~ 一個晚上只收台幣$250清潔費! 走路到藝術中心只要10分鐘~ 更多住宿詳細資訊與環境照片: asiacolors/index.php/stay_at_our_dormitory ------------------------------------ Everyone can do the design accessorise with diamonds, however, how to design a nice and creative accessorise is more important! We have more more than 100 types of stones & accessorises in the classroom, different sizes, styles, colors…. Providing our members to choose for themselves, and they can design fashion accessorises right away in the class! We will tell you the concept of design, from basic to advanced. (Design it in order way, in a crisscross pattern, with irregular or decoration design, etc.) Telling you different types of stones, different objects to be applied with different glues, and how to design it, and so on. You can catch the key point to do your fashion design! No matter you are the basic, you are advanced, or you wanna start your business, welcome to join us! Contact us if you have any questions about our unique products and courses: 【Asia Colors in Taipei】 1. Make a phone call +8862 2377 5777 2. Send a message by FB 3. WHATS APP/LINE:0975-117761 (Anything in urgency, just call us. Office time:9:00am ~ 6:00pm) 【亞洲色彩馬來西亞分公司Asia Colors in Malaysia】 Contact person: 阿泰(A-Tai) +60 102 439 140 Add: KL. RSVP. 22-3,Jalan 24/70a, Desa Sri Hartamas , Kuala Lumpur 〖報名亞洲色彩專業課程,即為會員,可終生免費復習Since you take our any class, you are our member and you can review the class free of charge forever!〗 We provide clean, cheap, and convenient place! Only need to pay NT$250 for one person for one night! Couple minutes waking to our office! Please make reservation because of few available beds. ※More detail about dormitory://asiacolors/index.php/stay_at_our_dormitory
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 00:54:39 +0000

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