【本傑明•富爾福德】 2013年10月28日信息 - TopicsExpress


【本傑明•富爾福德】 2013年10月28日信息 本次萬聖節將會困擾猶太秘法師陰謀集團成員很長一段時間 根據多個消息來源証實,上周已經有許多針對猶太秘法師陰謀集團的大行動被實施,並且本周的行動將會更多。在日本,已經有一系列深夜戰鬥正在進行,已經使得一群朝鮮黑幫成員,從日本摩薩德局長邁克爾•格林,和由肯尼思•柯蒂斯所運轉的美國中央情報局流氓支派那裡,接管了控制權。根據聲稱已經牽涉進這場鬥爭的日本右翼勢力成員說,作為一個結果,格林和柯蒂斯正處於深深的恐懼之中。最近正在進行的,針對非法操縱的日本選舉的訴訟,同樣也在使這兩個人徹夜難眠。 在一個與之有關的進展中,大規模謀殺犯本杰明•內塔尼亞胡上周在以色列媒體上宣稱,他準備去見教皇,但是教皇拒絕接見他,結果大丟臉面。小布什和托尼布萊爾都拜訪了前教皇馬勒迪克特,以尋求在卸任後免於戰爭罪法庭審判的庇護。他們被給予了庇護,作為交換,他們皈依了天主教。而現在梵蒂岡的新政權似乎不再經營庇護戰爭罪犯免於正義審判的業務了。那意味著內塔尼亞胡沒有得到意大利P2黃銅共濟會的保護,並且因此很可能要厄運當頭。 正當本篇新聞通訊準備發表的時候,一位意大利P2自由石匠共濟會的消息來源致電說,P2共濟會的頭頭馬爾科•迪•毛羅已經剛剛被逮捕,並且一場對他黨羽的追捕正在進行。同樣也有許多其它的進展。根據五角大樓的消息來源說,洛克菲勒的寵物恐龍——亨利•基辛格去俄羅斯執行一項乞討任務,但是被俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾•普京拒絕接見。 這次求見的嘗試就像多個跡象所顯示的那樣,顯示出洛克菲勒的石油美元體系正在崩潰。沙特阿拉伯政府發出公告稱,它準備重新評估它與美國的關系,並且拒絕接受洛克菲勒家族控制下的聯合國的安全理事會非常任理事國席位。那意味著沙特王室,可能會停止將它的石油美元,存進猶太秘法師陰謀集團控制下的,美國境內的銀行中去。 那是因為沙特政權沒有保護自己的軍事實力,並且自從五角大樓拒絕再為基地組織的資助者戰鬥後,這個政權要想生存,就將不得不向普京低頭。即使令人懷疑的是罪惡政權準備存在更長的時間。 同樣也有清晰的跡象顯示土耳其也正在覺醒並認識到新的地緣政治現實。根據俄羅斯新聞機構的消息來源說,他們已經正在與俄羅斯就關稅同盟進行談判。 他們也已經宣布,即便他們是北約成員國,他們也準備從中國購買一套導彈防御系統。 根據新聞報道,伊朗似乎也在發生著某種大事。根據摩薩德鏈接的網站德布卡說,擁有一個非常公開和可見的議程,並長期在位的伊朗頂級權力掮客哈梅內伊,已經從公眾視線中消失了三個星期了。 這可能是一個跡象,正在與他們的以色列納粹盟友相勾結,嘗試挑起第3次世界大戰的伊朗Sabbatean黑手黨特工正在被清除。當然,意在結束與西方就伊朗核問題的對峙的公開談判,是一個在哈桑•魯哈尼的治理下某些事情已經改變了的跡象。 從所有這些跡象中可以清楚地看出,某些非常根本的事情已經在中東的權力架構中改變了,並且這種改變,正在給像戴維•洛克菲勒和喬治•布什那樣的老一輩強盜大亨,帶來致命性的打擊。我們來說說喬治•布什,小布什通過意大利P2共濟會聯系了白龍會,說他和他的家族與奧巴馬政權之間沒有任何關系,並且奧巴馬是一個獨來獨往的流氓勢力。 奧巴馬本人只是一個,曾經長期為美國聯邦儲備委員會和它的華盛頓特區子公司流氓勢力工作的發言人。這幫罪犯正在遭受來自全世界的攻擊,並且許多跡象顯示,這回這個政權是真的要玩完了。 也許對此最清楚的跡象就是與歐洲前所未有的分裂。歐洲企業新聞媒體充斥著關於歐洲領導人憤怒於美國國家安全局竊聽他們的故事。間諜主要是竊取企業機密,以及一點是否與“反恐”有關的情報,畢竟無論如何,恐怖主義勢力全都是起源於美國猶太秘法師陰謀集團和它的盟友們。 上周最震撼的啟示,被路透社和俄羅斯新聞媒體報道了出來,但是卻被許多企業新聞機構隱藏的,就是歐盟議會上周投票終止了美國在環球同業銀行金融電訊協會國際金融數據庫中的資格。這種行動與過去對付像朝鮮和緬甸這樣的國家所採取的行動相類似。 我們也尚不能確認美國國會到底發生了什麼事。他們上周四全都被美軍以“一日游”的名義用飛機帶到了福羅裡達州,但是周一卻並沒有回到華盛頓特區。現在下結論還為時過早但是或許,如果我們幸運的話,那將會演變成被賄賂的政府奴才們已經被放進了一個屬於他們的鴨籠子裡。 說起這幫政府奴才們,正如上面所提到的,為摩薩德工作的,由一幫演員假裝成政客的日本傀儡政權,正處於一種完全的恐懼中。在10月22日,筆者本人去旁聽了其中一場指控政府竊取了上屆大選的訴訟。原告說東京最高法院法官齋藤隆,作為案件中的審判長之一,被摩薩德敲詐了,因為他有異裝癖並在東京的同性戀區打扮成“維多利亞”或“玉萍”。東京最高法院公關部說“我們不準備談論那件事,”意思就是說“無可奉告。” 離萬聖節依然還有幾天所以,有希望的是,在那之前,將會有許多真正可怕的事情等著將猶太秘法師陰謀集團踢出局。這裡有一個信息要給猶太秘法師陰謀集團和美國聯邦儲備委員會:“不給糖就搗蛋。” SOURCE: kauilapele.wordpress/2013/10/28/benjamin-fulford-10-28-13-this-halloween-will-haunt-the-cabalists-for-a-long-time/ 光之工作者 翻譯 This Halloween will haunt the cabalists for a long time Benjamin Fulford, Oct 28, 2013 There have been many big moves made against the cabal in the past week and more coming this week, according to multiple sources. In Japan, there have been a series of late night battles that have left a group of North Korean gangsters taking orders from Japan Mossad Chief Michael Green, and rogue CIA run by Kenneth Curtis, on the Run. As a result, Green and Curtis are in a state of deep fear, according to Japanese right wingers who claim to have been involved in the struggle. Ongoing lawsuits against the recent rigged elections in Japan are also keeping them awake at night. In a relateddevelopment, mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu announced to the Israeli press last week that he was going to visit the Pope but the Pope refused to meet him, resulting in a major loss of face. Bush Jr. and Tony Blair both visited the previous pope Maledict to ask for protection from war crimes tribunals after leaving office. They were given that protection in exchange for converting to Catholicism. It seems the new Vatican regime is no longer in the business of sheltering war criminals from justice. That means Netanyahu does not have protection from the P2 brass and is thus probably doomed. As this newsletter was going to press a P2 Freemason source called to say that P2 honcho Marco di Mauro had just been arrested and that a hunt was on for his associates.There were many other developments as well. Rockefeller pet dinosaur Henry Kissinger went to Russia on a begging mission but was refused a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Pentagon sources. This attempted meeting came just as multiple signs showed the Rockefeller petro-dollar system was collapsing. The announcement by the government of Saudi Arabia that it was going to re-evaluate its relations with the United States and refuse a seat on the Security Council of the Rockefeller controlled UN means the House of Saud may stop putting its petro-dollars in cabal controlled banks in the US. That is because the Saudi regime is in no position to defend itself militarily and, since the pentagon refuses to fight any more wars for the Al Qaeda financiers, the regime will have to bow to Putin if it is to survive. Even then it is doubtful that criminal regime is going to be around much longer. There are also clear indications that the nation of Turkey too is waking up to the new geopolitical realities. They have been negotiating a customs union with Russia, according to Russian news agencies. They have also announced they are going to buy a missile defense system from China even though they are a NATO country. Something big also seems to be happening in Iran, according to news reports. Long term Iranian top power broker Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who usually has a very public and visible schedule, has not been seen for three weeks, according to Mossad linked website Debka. debka/article/23393/Mystery-of-missing-ayatollah-Ali-Khamenei’s-three-week-seclusion-for-work-on-nuclear-deal-with-US This could be a sign that the Iranian Sabbatean mafia agents who were trying to provoke World War 3 in tandem with their Israeli Nazi allies are being purged. Certainly the public negotiations to end the stand-off with the West over Iranian nuclear power development are a sign something has changed under new President Hassan Rouhani. It is clear from all this that something very fundamental has changed in the power structure of the Middle East and it is proving fatalfor the old generation robber barons like David Rockefeller and George Bush. Speaking of George Bush, Bush Sr. contacted with White Dragon Society via the P2 lodge to say he and his family had nothing to do with the Obama regime and that Obama was a rogue force acting on his own. Obama himself is just a spokesperson for what has been the rogue force for a very long time, the Federal Reserve Board and its Washington D.C. subsidiary. This gang of criminals is under attack from all over the world and there are many signs it really is going to be game over for them this time. Perhaps the clearest indication of this has been the unprecedented split with Europe. The European corporate news outlets are full of stories about European leader’s anger over the fact the NSA has been spying on them. The espionage was mainly about stealing corporate secrets and had little if anything to do with “fighting terror” since the terror all originates with the US cabal regime and its allies anyway. The most shocking revelation last week, reported by Reuters and Russian news outlets but buried by many corporate news agencies, was the vote by the European Union Parliament last week to suspend the US from the SWIFT international financial data base. This is the sort of action taken in the past against nations like North Korea and Myanmar. We have also been unable to confirm what has happened to the US Congress. They were all flown to Florida last Thursday by the US military for what was supposed to be a day trip but have not returned to Washington as of Monday. It is too early to tell but maybe, if we are lucky, it will turn out the bribed gaggle of whores has been put in a lock up where they belong. Speaking about whores, the Japanese puppet regime of actors pretending to be politicians while working for Mossad is in a state of total funk, as mentioned above. On October 22nd this writer went to watch one of the trials in the lawsuits suing the government for rigging the last general elections. The plaintiffs say Tokyo Supreme Court Justice Takashi Saito, who is one of the presiding judges in the case, is being blackmailed by Mossad because he is in the habit of dressing up in women’s clothing and appearing as “Victoria,” or “Vicky” in the Tokyo gay district. The public relations department for the Tokyo Supreme Court said “we are not going to talk about that,” meaning “no comment.” There is still a few more days until Halloween so, hopefully, there will be many more truly frightening things for the cabal popping up before then. Message to the cabalists and Feds: “Trick or Treat.”
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 23:18:17 +0000

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