注重形象 2013年 08月 20日 - Julie Ackerman Link 讀經: - TopicsExpress


注重形象 2013年 08月 20日 - Julie Ackerman Link 讀經: 哥林多後書3章 我們眾人……變成主的形狀⋯⋯如同從主的靈變成的。 —哥林多後書3章18節 全年讀經: 詩篇105-106篇 哥林多前書3章 當我和堂姐妹在瀏覽家族舊照片的時候,會拿我們遺傳到了哪些身體特徵來開玩笑,而我們認為最糟的特徵,就是短腿、歪齒和額頭上的捲毛。每個人都可以很快地在自己的長輩身上,認出自己最不喜歡的身體部位。除了這些身體特徵,我們往往也遺傳到一些人格特質,有好也有壞,但我們總是不會太注意這些特質。 根據我自己非科學的觀察結果,人們會試著用各樣的方法來克服身體上的瑕疵,例如定時運動、減肥計畫、化妝、染髮,甚至整型手術等。然而,我們卻很少試著去克服個性上的缺點,反而習慣將這些缺點作為不良行為的藉口。我認為這是因為改變外表比改變個性來得容易。但請想像一下,假如我們可以把心力放在改善自己的性格上,我們可以變得更好! 身為神的兒女,我們並不受限於我們的基因組合,我們可以將自己的一切缺點,交在神的手中,讓祂幫助我們達到受造時,原有的美好形象,因我們是祂愛的獨特創造。聖靈的大能與神兒子的生命,在我們的裡面作工,使我們越來越像祂的樣式(哥林多後書3章18節)。 我知主看內在, 勝過外表的我; 願我合神心意, 結出聖靈之果。 聖靈幫助我們彰顯基督榮美。 Our Daily Bread -- Image Conscious August 20, 2013 Bible in a year: Psalms 105-106; 1 Corinthians 3 We all . . . are being transformed . . . by the Spirit of the Lord. —2 Corinthians 3:18 When going through old family photos, my cousins and I joke about which physical characteristics we’ve inherited. We notice primarily the negative ones: short legs, crooked teeth, unruly cowlicks. All of us can easily identify in our ancestors our own least favorite body part. In addition to physical attributes, we also inherited character traits—some good, some not so good. But we don’t always pay as much attention to those. According to my unscientific observations, people try all kinds of methods to overcome physical imperfections—exercise routines, weight-loss programs, makeup, hair coloring, cosmetic surgery. But instead of trying to overcome our character flaws, we tend to use them as an excuse for behaving badly. I suppose this is because changing our looks is easier than changing our character. But imagine how much better off we’d be if we put our energy into character development. As God’s children, we’re not limited by our genetic makeup. We can surrender our flaws to Him and allow Him to fulfill the potential He had in mind when He created us as unique expressions of His love. The power of God’s Spirit and the life of God’s Son are at work in us, conforming us to His image (2 Cor. 3:18). —Julie Ackerman Chung Link I know, Lord, that You’re more interested in the condition of my heart than my outward appearance. Please make me into the person You want me to be— filled with kindness, patience, integrity, and love. The Spirit develops in us the clear image of Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 02:40:06 +0000

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