《靈命日糧》 2013年 07月 7日 - Cindy Hess Kasper - TopicsExpress


《靈命日糧》 2013年 07月 7日 - Cindy Hess Kasper 一律歡迎 讀經: 以賽亞書55章1-9節 人是看外貌,耶和華是看內心。 —撒母耳記上16章7節 全年讀經: 約伯記34-35章 使徒行傳15章1-21節 在我居住的城鎮,因為一項美化道路的計畫,導致一棟在1930年代建造的教堂必須被拆除。雖然教堂已清空,窗戶也都被拆除了,然而教堂的幾扇門都還保留著,甚至推土機開始拆毀牆垣的時候仍未被拆除。每一扇門都用巨大的螢光橘色字體寫著:禁止進入! 不幸的是,有些教會雖然大門敞開,卻也傳達了這樣的訊息給那些外表看起來不符合他們標準的人。不需要螢光橘色的大字,只要一個不認同的眼神,這就傳達著:「這裡不歡迎你!」 當然,人們的外表看起來如何,並不是衡量他們內心的指標。神所看重的是人們的內在生命。人所看重的是外表,耶和華是看內心(撒母耳記上16章7節),並且祂也渴望我們這樣做。祂也知道有些人看似「正人君子」,但內心卻「充滿偽善」(馬太福音23章28節)。 神歡迎我們每一個人到祂面前,祂要我們也如此對待他人,這樣的訊息是非常明確的。祂對所有尋求祂的人說:「你們一切乾渴的都當就近水來。」(以賽亞書55章1節) 主向世人,伸出雙手; 歡迎我們,歸入主懷; 教我如何,歡迎他人; 透過我們,展現主愛。 透過你愛的行動,讓人感受神是愛。 Our Daily Bread July 7, 2013 — by Cindy Hess Kasper Welcome To All! Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn Read: Isaiah 55:1-9 Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. —1 Samuel 16:7 Bible in a Year: Job 34-35; Acts 15:1-21 A beautifying project on the main road of my town prompted the demolition of a church built in the 1930s. Although the windows of the empty church had been removed, the doors remained in place for several days, even as bulldozers began knocking down walls. Each set of doors around the church building held a message written in giant, fluorescent-orange block letters: KEEP OUT! Unfortunately, some churches whose doors are open convey that same message to visitors whose appearance doesn’t measure up to their standards. No fluorescent, giant-size letters needed. With a single disapproving glance, some people communicate: “You’re Not Welcome Here!” How people look on the outside, of course, is not an indicator of what is in their hearts. God’s focus is on the inner life of people. He looks far below the surface of someone’s appearance (1 Sam. 16:7) and that’s what He desires for us to do as well. He also knows the hearts of those who appear to be “righteous” but are “full of hypocrisy” on the inside (Matt. 23:28). God’s message of welcome, which we are to show to others, is clear. He says to all who seek Him: “Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters” (Isa. 55:1). Thank You, Lord, that You welcome all into Your family, and You have welcomed me. Show me how to be as accepting of others as You are. May I reveal Your heart of love. No one will know what you mean when you say, “God is love”—unless you show it.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 01:57:24 +0000

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