《靈命日糧》 2013年 08月 27日 - David C. McCasland - TopicsExpress


《靈命日糧》 2013年 08月 27日 - David C. McCasland 慈愛環繞 讀經: 詩篇32篇 惟獨倚靠耶和華的,必有慈愛四面環繞他。 —詩篇32篇10節 全年讀經: 詩篇120-122篇 哥林多前書9章 我們很難不注意那個大型的紅色廣告板,上面印著的白色大字寫著:「有上千個男人今年會死於頑固。」後來我才知道,原來在全國各地這類的廣告板有好幾百個,目的是要提醒那些總是拒絕做定期健康檢查的中年男子,因這些人常常死於可以預防的疾病。 詩篇32篇教導我們如何處理屬靈的疾病,也就是罪。罪的問題可以透過承認過犯並悔改的方式得著治療。在前5節的經文中,先提到我們因著隱藏自己的罪惡所忍受的痛苦,而後描述跟神認罪所獲的赦免和喜樂。 這篇詩接著說,主渴望我們在遇到困難時尋求祂的幫助(6-8節)並得到祂的引導。「我要教導你,指示你當行的路;我要定睛在你身上勸戒你」(8節)。當我們頑固地拒絕祂的指引,也不願認罪時,我們便像是走入死胡同中一般。 神的話語敦促我們:「你不可像那無知的騾馬,必用嚼環轡頭勒住牠,不然,就不能馴服」(9節)。不要沉溺在罪中,因為主已經提供一個更好的方法:只要我們謙卑認罪,祂的慈愛必四面環繞我們(10節)。 請求天父賜下幫助; 我們俯伏祢的腳前; 求主除我罪惡念頭; 讓我裡面重得清潔。Bartels 要得到神的赦免,先要承認自己需要被赦免。 Our Daily Bread August 27, 2013 — by David C. McCasland Surrounded By Mercy Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn Read: Psalm 32 He who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him. —Psalm 32:10 Bible in a Year: Psalms 120-122; 1 Corinthians 9 It was almost impossible not to see the giant billboard with the red background and huge white letters that shouted: “This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness.” Later I learned that the billboard was one of hundreds just like it targeted at middle-aged men who typically avoid routine medical screenings and often die from preventable conditions. Psalm 32 deals with the spiritual disease of sin, which can be treated by honest acknowledgment and repentance. The first five verses express the anguish of hiding our guilt and then celebrate the joyful release of confessing our transgressions to God and being forgiven. This psalm goes on to show that the Lord longs for us to seek His help in difficulty (vv.6-8) and receive His guidance. “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (v.8). We are hindered, though, when we stubbornly refuse to follow His direction and repent from our sin. God’s Word urges us, “Do not be like the horse or like the mule, . . . which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you” (v.9). Rather than hold on to our sin, the Lord offers an alternative: When we humbly confess, His mercy shall surround us (v.10). Heavenly Father, help us now At Thy feet to humbly bow; Take away all thought of sin, Make us clean and pure within. —Bartels The first step to receiving God’s forgiveness is to admit that we need it.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 04:03:44 +0000

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