《靈命日糧》 2013年 11月 19日 - David H. Roper - TopicsExpress


《靈命日糧》 2013年 11月 19日 - David H. Roper 客旅 讀經: 詩篇39篇 因為我在祢面前是客旅,是寄居的,像我列祖一般。 —詩篇39篇12節 全年讀經: 以西結書11-13章 雅各書1章 最近我嘗試聯絡我神學院畢業班的同學,發現當中有許多都已過世了。這實在提醒了我人生的短暫。我們一生70歲的年日轉眼成空,我們便如飛而去(詩篇90篇10節)。誠如以色列詩人所說:「我在你面前是客旅,是寄居的。」(39篇12節) 生命的短暫提醒我們要思考自己的「結局」,光陰似箭,我們知道時日不長(4節)。步入晚年時,這種感覺就更加強烈了。但這個世界不是我們的家,我們只是寄居在這裡的匆匆過客。 而且,我們的人生旅程也不孤單。我們雖是客旅、是寄居的,但有神與我們同在(39篇12節),知道這點就會使我們這趟旅程少點擔心與害怕。無論是在今生或是永生,我們都有天父永遠的陪伴和引導。在這世上我們是客旅,但在這趟旅程中,我們永不孤單(73篇23-24節)。因為神給了我們這樣的應許:「我就常與你們同在。」(馬太福音28章20節) 父母、配偶和朋友或許會先離我們而去,但我們知道神永在我們身邊,並與我們同行。正如有句話說:「良伴同行路不遙。」 我的一生在父手中, 豈敢提出更多要求; 我的道路祂已安排, 必引導我走到最後。Fraser 人生旅途有主同行,同負同擔。 Our Daily Bread November 19, 2013 — by David H. Roper Traveling Companion Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn Read: Psalm 39 For I am a stranger with You, a sojourner, as all my fathers were. —Psalm 39:12 Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 11-13; James 1 I looked up the members of my seminary graduating class recently and discovered that many of my friends are now deceased. It was a sober reminder of the brevity of life. Three score and ten, give or take a few years, and we’re gone (Ps. 90:10). Israel’s poet was right: We’re but strangers here and sojourners (39:12). The brevity of life makes us think about our “end”—the measure of our days and how fleeting they are (v.4), a feeling that grows more certain as we draw closer to the end of our lives. This world is not our home; we’re but strangers and sojourners here. Yet we are not alone on the journey. We are strangers and sojourners with God (39:12), a thought that makes the journey less troubling, less frightening, less worrisome. We pass through this world and into the next with a loving Father as our constant companion and guide. We’re strangers here on earth, but we are never alone on the journey (73:23-24). We have One who says, “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20). We may lose sight of father, mother, spouse, and friends, but we always know that God is walking beside us. An old saying puts it like this: “Good company on the road makes the way to seem lighter.” My times are in my Father’s hand; How could I wish or ask for more? For He who has my pathway planned Will guide me till my journey’s o’er. —Fraser As you travel life’s weary road, let Jesus lift your heavy load.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 03:23:37 +0000

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