[책소개] 리더가 읽으면 무릎을 치는 옛글 작가: - TopicsExpress


[책소개] 리더가 읽으면 무릎을 치는 옛글 작가: 오동희 출판: 럭스미디어 발매: 2011.05.09 가장 마음에 드는 글귀들을 모아 보았습니다. Importance of positive mental attitude 一切唯心造。仁者见之谓之仁、知者见之谓之知。 Power of dream and doing the best 無不爲者 無一能成也 無不欲者 無一能得也 Danger of half baked knowledge 半識者憂患 Power of knowledge 深智一物 衆隱皆樂 Knowledge begins from humbleness 知之爲知之 不知爲不知 是知也 {論語} Application to action is more difficult than knowing it 非知之難也 處知则難也 {韓非子} for our analytics team! 愚者闇於成事 智者見於未萌 {全國冊} Wisdom brings foresight 常無欲以觀其妙 常有欲 以觀其徼 {老子 道德經} Without greed, we can see the underlying trends, with greed, we can see only the phenomenon. 君子不器 {論語} Real gentleman has deep knowledge, wisdom for good decision, wide mind, generosity, unlimited capability and mindset. 隨處作主 立處皆眞 {臨濟綠} Be the owner anywhere you go. Any post you stand is the real place. If you move with ownership mentality, then you can make it real anywhere you are. 君子素其位而行 不願乎其外 {中庸} Real gentleman acts where he stands, and does not look for anything else. 重爲輕根 靜爲躁君, 輕則失本 躁則失君 {老子 道德經} Thoughtful actions are always better than shallow actions, calmness wins against hasty decisions and actions; shallow actions bring losses, hasty actions lose control 若登高必自卑 若涉遠必自邇 {玄門; 1884∼1985} To climb high, we should begin from the bottom. If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest {Publilius Syrus}. Start from lowest, don’t lose humbleness. 處事不可有心 {宋名臣言行錄}; 有慾則無剛 [近思錄] you should not bring your own selfish purpose at work. Greed makes you weak. 毋私小惠而傷大體, 毋借公論而快私情 {菜根譚} Don’t damage bigger goods to provide/pay back small personal dues, don’t solve personal matters by using public or official reasons 君子 貞而不諒 {論語} Real leaders go to the right path while not bounded by trivial emotions and goods. Selfless action is a source of strength, for such action is the worship of God {Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi} 智者之慮 必雜利害 {孫子} Smart person considers pros and cons of complexity in eco-system, not in a single dimension of the issues. 人之患 蔽於一曲闇於大理 {荀子} It is a big loss when we look into limited dimensions and lose sight on overall integrated issues with big picture. “Think of the end before you begin” 有志者 事意成 {後漢書} 先和以後大事 {吳子兵法} Before big actions, we need to have full harmony – trust, motivation, shared dream, will to act together, full friendship, sense of belonging and belief on future recognition. Are we ready for 2012 big challenges? 事豫則立 不豫則敗 {中庸} The more prepared, the more successful. Unprepared, always fail. 以備待時 以時興事 [管子] Wait for the right moment with being prepared, when timing comes, capture and succeed. 伏久者飛必高 開先者謝獨早 可以免蹭蹬之憂 可以消躁急之念 [菜根譚] A bird spring down more can fly higher, a flower that blossoms earlier would fall earlier. We can avoid missteps and hurrying minds if we understand this.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 02:09:52 +0000

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