0.77M MILLION SPENT ON PEACE FORUM Via #KNA Baringo County - TopicsExpress


0.77M MILLION SPENT ON PEACE FORUM Via #KNA Baringo County Assembly members now want to know how the county government spent sh. 777,950 on the consultative peace forum held at Emining last month. During the Tuesday session members argued that the amount of money spent was huge with sh. 361,000 being spent on accommodation and transport while sh. 416,950 went to fuel and allowances. The forum held on 21st June, Baringo County Governor Benjamin Cheboi brought together political leaders in the county to brainstorm on the root cause of insecurity with a view to coming up with solutions to curb insecurity and cattle rustling menace. The county Deputy Speaker Douglas Kiplimo Tanui asked if the expenditure was justifiable and if peace is prevailing in the county after the forum. Sacho Ward representative Zachariah Kipkuto observed that despite the security docket being the responsibility of the national government there are some activities which should be carried out by the county government without involving the national government like peace forum held at Emining. He added that insecurity cannot be resolved during a one-day forum since it is a process. Leader of Minority and Member of Ilchamus Ward Wesly L. Lekakimon said that the meeting was successful but he was surprised to learn of the huge amount of money spent. Silale Ward representative Nelson Silale sought clarification on the reason why county assembly members were excluded from attending the forum in which other people from various parts of the county were invited. Joseph Makilap, the MCA for Barwesa Ward noted that there was a steering committee to ensure that the meeting went on well thus it should be held accountable. The MCAs want the Budget Committee to provide a list of names and the number of people who attended the forum. They also want a breakdown of the money used stating that the budget for hosting the peace forum was supposed to be sponsored by the Interior Ministry under national government.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:16:25 +0000

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