01.05.15 – WLS-AM 890 Chicago Rant Ive been listening to - TopicsExpress


01.05.15 – WLS-AM 890 Chicago Rant Ive been listening to WLS-AM 890 for a stretch of time because it was the best local conservative talk radio in Chicago. Though in recent months, the conservative aspect of the weekday local radio talk shows got caught up in a mudslide. Downhill, conservative talk was slipping away. I’d been patient for months, waiting for WLSAM-Chicago—the Big 89—to get its act together and begin focusing on conservative talk, news and politics once again. Yet the situation in recent weeks went from bad to worse to unrecognizable. The mudslide began when the goofy and fun conservative talk show on weekday afternoons with Roe and Roeper was replaced with the Steve Dahl show. I wasn’t a dedicated listener to the Roe and Roeper show simply because of the time of day it was on. Though I did tune in at times when I was stationary. They had a great show. And WLSAM-Chicago had a great line-up from dawn til dusk—that is, until changes were made and Roe and Roeper were replaced with the Steve Dahl show. No offense to Steve Dahl in anyway (this is not personal); but what part of that show has anything to do with conservative talk and news? I’ll answer that for you: nothing. There is nothing about the Steve Dahl show that caters to the Big 89’s conservative listener base. I’ve tried listening to that show but I can’t do it. I can’t take four hours of mindless chatter. So, I stopped listening and I never gave it a second thought—out of ear-shot, out of mind. It’s in the rearview mirror so far back it’s almost forgotten—one less true conservative listener to WLSAM-Chicago in the afternoon. Sigh. Think of what would happen to FOX News if they gave Dick Biondi and Casey Kasem their own primetime shows in place of Brett Baier and Greta Van Susteran. What the heck is going on over at WLSAM-Chicago? “They are self-destructing,” I said to myself. Then to the dismay of all Chicago area Hard-R’s, especially myself; Dan Proft left WLSAM last week. That is comparable to Bill O’Reilly leaving Fox News ten years ago. It is not possible in any way, shape or form for WLS to replace the advanced conservative. It is not possible to replace the political knowledge base within the mind of Dan Proft. He is one of a kind and as uniquely brilliant as they come. Without Dan, Bruce’s contribution to their once great show dissolves into incessant chatter void of practical conservative news and politics—because Bruce no longer has Dan Proft to bring balance to his goofy eccentric side before it gets out of control. While Dan reeled Bruce in when he wet too far; Bruce brought light-hearted fun to Dan’s more overly serious side. Bruce and Dan were a remarkably good team. They balanced each other perfectly. I listened painfully to the discussion this morning between Bruce and Ann Cavanaugh for forty minutes, where the closest they got to conservative talk was Chris Christy’s emotional bad eating habits, before I shut it off—right after Bruce announced that after the commercial break, at 5:45am, they would be discussing a man with two penises. Conservative talk radio gone check-out counter tabloid: Madonna gives birth to Three-Headed Alien Baby with Two Penises. The talk about two penises does not offend me in the least. What offends me—the Hard-R that I am; is that the Big 89 conservative talk radio in Chicago isn’t talking conservative news and politics anymore. They’re dribbling out green gunk. Who in the world is making the decisions over there, WLSAM-Chicago? Is that decision maker a liberal plant meant to destroy what is left of conservatism in Illinois? What in the world are you people doing over there at the Big 89? Please, get a grip on conservative reality and realize that you have liberal butt all over your face. If the majority that make up your listener base are conservatives—most of those I would speculate are Hard-R’s like myself—and you stop providing that listener base with the material that drew them to you in the first place; the inevitable result of that is that they will turn you off. They will leave just as I did this morning. Consistent mindless chatter promotes idiocy and lazy mindedness. I can’t listen to that crap. That’s not why I tuned in and became a dedicated listener in the first place. But it is why I left. All of the remaining good WLSAM-Chicago local conservative talk is now only on the weekend when most people are running around like crazy doing family things—and not listening to the radio. John Kass and Lauren Cohn have a very good weekday morning show and I like them; but neither of them are strong conservatives yet alone Hard-R’s—what your listener base is comprised of. Because I’ve tuned out of the weekday morning show leading up to Kass and Cohn; I will no longer listen to Kass and Cohn. I will now adopt a new morning habit that does not include WLSAM-Chicago. I will find my weekday morning conservative news elsewhere. Even though I enjoy listening to Kass and Cohn; I will not go out of my way to tune in specifically for their show. I tuned in specifically for the Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft morning show. Kass and Cohn had my ear because I didn’t shut the radio off when the Bruce and Dan show was over. Now that my draw to WLSAM-Chicago weekdays is no longer—and what has replaced it doesn’t satisfy my conservative needs; I will move on and find another source to fill the void. It’s not rocket science you know. If you take away the main quality that draws others to you, they will leave you because of it—just as I did. On a positive note, WLSAM-Chicago: Stephanie Trussell and Laura Kelly put on a great conservative talk show last week when they were filling in for the regulars—a really great show. They are both true conservatives. They are both Hard-R’s. Listening to them is very satisfying. And I’d bet plenty of other Hard-R’s out there would agree with me. Stephanie Trussell and Laura Kelly should have their own WLSAM-Chicago morning show, to save conservative talk radio in Chicago and give your true conservative listener base hope while we all morn the loss of our beloved top conservative, Dan Proft—one who can never be replaced. Our conservative listener loss is great. Show us light where there is now darkness, WLSAM-Chicago. Bring back conservative talk radio and leave the mindless chatter to liberal networks.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:34:08 +0000

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