01/06/14 I thought to share something with you guys this week - TopicsExpress


01/06/14 I thought to share something with you guys this week that Coach Ben Bergeron posted while back in related to a book that he read. Its called the Talent Code. Was a very interesting book and I learned a lot. This is how it could be related to the sport, lifestyle & community that we all love. 1. You work on your skills for an hour or more every day. - that is skills, not training, but practicing movements. 2. You are focused on the process, not the immediate results, but long-term outcomes. - do you freak out over bad days, or recognize that the stimulus of the training is the important thing not the time on the clock or missed PRs? 3. You have strong relationships with mentors/coaches, and use them as models and guidance. - do you have someone you can trust and believe in completely. Do they make you better? do they believe in you as an athlete and person? Do you make them a better coach? 4. You are keenly aware of how much you do not know, and the gap between your present abilities and your longterm goals. the smarter you become the more you realize you dont know. 5. You can accurately and precisely describe the skills you want to build. - the exact numbers and times you want to hit? 6. You think about improving your skills all the time. - and you do so with a positive mindset. not stressing, worrying or over-thinking your training, but thinking about your training clearly, confidently and positively. 7. You approach your daily training with enthusiasm. - training at this level is hard work. really hard work. if you dont LOVE it - you wont last. 8. You balance repetition/volume with innovation/improvement. - you need to get in the volume, but you not at the expense of moving better. Efficiency and better movement is as important as strength and a bigger engine. Think threshold training. 9. You are comfortable going outside of your comfort zone. Being comfortable being uncomfortable. Coming in last, failing reps, trying new things, listening to advice, pain, soreness, battery acid in your lungs. 10. You are constantly adapting and refining your learning process. - Pursuing excellence in every aspect of your life. Nutrition, training, relationships, finance, professional, etc...
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 03:40:54 +0000

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