01.10.2014 : Summaries of Novorossiya : First day of school. - TopicsExpress


01.10.2014 : Summaries of Novorossiya : First day of school. #shelling nearby. #Donetsk #Ukraine Novorossiya is not just a land. It is now also the central front of the war against new Nazism. And it is also... fb.me/3roNvRZlN VIDEO: #NAF fire RPGs and grenades at the #Donetsk Airport. #Ukraine https://youtube/watch?v=GnSgLFyxSoU … These are worst crimes since WWII. The Nazis must be driven back to Kiev & eliminated permanently. I thought I had seen the worst, but today we hear little girls & being raped by the Ukraine army, thrown in pits & shot. #EU-Werte in #Odessa, #Ukraine: Nazi-Mob des Rechten Sektors schlägt auf offener Straße Leute zusammen: https://youtube/watch?v=0kCgsnn1bj0 … #Merkel A mother talks about her son, who was tortured & murdered by Nazi Kiev forces. youtu.be/PrvQ_4DBadM Nazi Kiev forces crucified 1 yr old child in front of mother & drove off with woman tied to tank. youtu.be/eKNaklUFMig Bella Ciao #Novorossia youtube/watch?v=qX8XRfmhCsg& … youtube/watch?v=1NJP8YxNw4Efeature%3Dyoutu.be … @ The conduct of the UKR troops on occupied territories, treatment of civilians, prisoners, hostages proves the Nazi character of the regime. #Donetsk airport: #NAF commander Givi talks to #UA commander about #Ukraine shelling civilians https://youtube/watch?v=2iAcrZGoPrg … Why is the Red Cross refusing to make medical reports on the health conditions of POWs? youtu.be/wCHmDVNK0ls Marat Musin from Anna News and other journalists were captured near Lugansk. Confirmed by Anna News. is it concentration camp in city #Voznesensk? #Ukraine youtube/ Ukraine: 10 morts dans des bombardements à Donetsk - LOrient-Le Jour olj.me/888977 Bodies of some 400 civilians executed by the Ukrainian troops discovered together with evidence of serial rapes. vk/strelkov_info?w=wall-57424472_21055 … As for the police in #Odessa, as in this video, they refuse to chant Slava Ukraine or Geroyem Slava - https://youtube/watch?v=PXrqtX7ZnSQ … To watch Pravy Sektor videos is to understand that a terrorist group is now above the law in post-Euromaidan Ukraine https://youtube/watch?v=NxcSuLJnftA … At least 2 killed, 3 injured as school shelled in Donetsk, E. Ukraine – reports rt/news/192140-ukraine-school-shelled-donetsk/ … Today in Donetsk was to be the beginning of the (delayed) school year. Ukr army shelled a school: 3 dead, 50 wounded. vk/strelkov_info?w=wall-57424472_21055 … #Ukraine #Nazis are good at killing unarmed people and toppling statues. When cease fire is really over, #NAF will resume crushing them. Pro-Ukie trolls sticking up for #HongKong protesters. Hmmm.... Kiev forces killed at least 11 injured 40 #Donetsk school hit on 1st day 70 children evacuated rt/news/192140-ukraine-school-shelled-donetsk/ … The Personal Tragedy of NAF Commendant of Starobeshevo I can tell you what National guard battalions did in our... fb.me/3gnFZUnq6 01/10/14 Укрофашисты обстреляли из артиллерии Донецкую школу во время начало первой линейки,погибли 3 мирных жителей VIDEO: MLRS Grad attack on #Donetsk has kill 10, wounded 6. Shells hit school, City Hall & playground. #Ukraine https://youtube/watch?v=h3vZHr6Ju_Q … VIDEO: Aftermath of MRLS attack in #Donetsk that killed several civilians. 18+ Graphic via @rConflictNews https://youtube/watch?v=kkowGV2kdkM … 400 victims were uncovered in mass graves left by #Ukraine army near #Donetsk . Serbia wld h b bombed at this point. lentachpost.ru/novosti-lenta/item/15092-pod-donetskom-v-mestakh-massovykh-zakhoronenij-najdeno-400-tel … VIDEO: #ukraine POWs help NAF repairing armored vehicles captured to UA forces because feel were betrayed by UA. youtu.be/rx_R6id3EP4 Bella Ciao #Novorossia youtube/watch?v=qX8XRfmhCsg& … In reality, however, I am fairly certain that Strelkovs opinion of Putin is far from positive. 1st October 2014, city Melitopol, Donetsk republic Kiev junta violates the human right about free access to... fb.me/79lVJJ791 Chernovcy. One more person is thrown into a refuse bin. And the first time thats not a deputy. A head doctor of... fb.me/1mwReWZ8L #OSCE monitoring teams fully recognizethat there have been systematic ethnic cleansing of #Donbass civilians by #Ukrainian army. #Donetsk airport video from #Ukrainian positions. #ATO https://youtube/watch?v=WzRGYppFngM … Auf 60% der Bevölkerung in der #Ukraine paßt die Separatisten Fahndung. Familienmitglieder sollen/müssen gemeldet werden. #Nazi #Regierung Aufrufe zum Melden von Andersdenkenden hatte die Gestapo ab 1933 zum erkennen und melden von Juden verwendet. Heute wieder in #Ukraine 2014. NFA forces should be ready for new offensives to come from the Ukranian Army. Ukranian Army should be wipped out. Novorossiya now largely safe from Ukraine terrorist forces. But its defences will require constant improvement to ensure future security. 1st international brigade of volunteers fighting for #Donbas #Brazil #China #France #Serbia Poroshenko: No Federalization in Ukraine Considered, Only Local Councils Extended Powers. BUT Novorossiya is a defacto independent country! Remember: Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany. US/EU supports nazis again. Only a Workers Revolution can stop Nazis. #MassGraves reveal torture, executions by #Ukraine forces in #Donbass. All silent in the W msm front. https://wsws.org/en/articles/2014/09/30/ukra-s30.html … To watch Pravy Sektor videos is to understand that a terrorist group is now above the law in post-Euromaidan Ukraine https://youtube/watch?v=NxcSuLJnftA … #Fascist scum brutally finishing off victims at #TradeUnion massacre in #Odessa identified. russia-insider/en/tv_politics_ukraine_media_watch/2014/09/30/09-41-38pm/busted_viral_video_ids_man_committing_atrocity … https://youtube/watch?v=QTAGcV6_o1w … PLZ WATCH #Ukraine #army executes people fr STOPPING #looters + other #WarCrimes https://youtube/watch?v=wCHmDVNK0ls … We met 2 #Ukraine army tank men held prisoner in #Donetsk region; they now repair military vehicles seized by rebels URGENT: Shelling of #Donetsk school cynical, blatant breach of intl law - Moscow on.rt/4a1ftj ukranian nationalists have tried to stop exhibition #OdessaKhatyn in #Lisbon #EU #Ukraine ria.ru/world/20141001/1026398446.html#ixzz3Est9a7NH … #Ukraine proposes exchange territories: #donetsk airport for #Novoazovsk. NAF rejected it. There SHOULDNT be ANY territory exchange ! VIDEO #Ukraine forces to receive two dozen upgraded 2S1 Gvozdika (Carnation) SP Guns https://youtube/watch?v=F2LPodj1EwM&list=UU7mlLd42fXCuhtDfQ-Xpy6A … VIDEO: #Ukraine forces in #Debaltsevo area continue to be a issue to NAF forces. youtu.be/xvdyBLHP-to Reports: #Donetsk Airport 90% in control of Rebels. May be liberated of #Ukraine forces in next 48hrs #Novorossiya Video of Pravy Sektor in #Odessa yesterday, beating people up, smashing things up, no police anywhere to be seen - https://youtube/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=1KLRsSWbKWk&app=desktop … Questa bambina segue i suoi 4 fratelli dopo che #Kiev #Eu Nazi Guards forse Polacchi hanno rapito la madre a #Donetsk linkis/6ysSi in una casa #Donetsk musica popolare cantata in una casa di Donetsk fisarmonica suocera e genero solo il socialismo linkis/eIKca #Novorossiya platoon leaderYalta was killed during reconaissance mission at #Donetsk airport lifenews.ru/news/141757 #Ukraine blew up #bridge on #E40/#M03 road. Supply to #Debaltsevo pocket blocked. Withdrawing? militaryMaps.info/?lat=48.5069901&lng=38.1821858&z=14&t=3militaryMaps.info%2F%3Flat%3D48.506990 … #Givi (#Гиви) & Ilona Banevich commanded #Novorossiya forces in Battle of #Ilovaisk. Held back half of #Ukraine Army! youtube/watch?v=wCvWIDU0JNc&t=20m11s … #ukraine POWs help NAF repairing armored vehicles captured to UA forces because feel were betrayed by UA. youtu.be/rx_R6id3EP4 *Supposedly* there r 300 Chechen (also *supposedly* from original Battalion Vostok) fighting 4 Ukraine. Daily life in #Banderastan... #Ukraine Via Vineyardsaker vineyardsaker.blogspot.it/2014/09/daily-life-in-banderastan.html?m=1 … #nocomment #Russia will not let crimes in south-eastern #Ukraine remain unpunished — FM en.itar-tass/russia/752188 Fourth Russian convoy to #Ukraine to deliver building materials for infrastructure repairs. en.itar-tass/russia/752148 SIT REP #Mariupol NAF again retreated from #Talakovka due to Ukies GRAD Shellings! SIT REP Heavy Fightings continue inside #Donetsk airport and in #Avdeevka! SIT REP Cities South of #Severodonetsk back in NAF hands in the last days: #Novotoshkovska #Toshkovka #Nyzhnje Absolutely! Ukraine wouldnt even suggest it if they werent losing badly. #NAF shd take airport - and then Mariupol Why swapping? #NAF just has to continue pounding those #Ukies over there until they evaporate... Cmon, put more GRADs in action!! #MustSee: 10/01 A fresh video showing #Kiev JUNTAs #WarCrimes in #Donetsk... A ceasefire!?!? #Ukraine @MilitaryMaps https://youtube/watch?v=lBW3eT8rkOo&feature=youtu.be … Bloody beginning of school year in Donetsk. Vid of atrocities commited by #Kiev troops today, @OSCE seen arriving https://m.youtube/watch?v=ZAD- Vaclav Klaus: the West’s lies about Russia are monstrous » 30/09 New video showing #NAF soldiers activities around #Donetsk airport... https://youtube/watch?v=ascuv7QshW8#t=39 … Remember this HEROINE NAF commander https://youtube/watch?v=dHihXHANZkE#t=16 … @04:29 this is her B4 AMBUSH niqnaq.wordpress/2014/09/30/bonya-got-wounded-in-the-leg-while-trying-to-organise-a-ceasefire-at-the-airport-on-sunday-but-is-ok/ … Surprise! Surprise! #Hongkong #OccupyCentral leader has direct ties to the #US State Department youtu.be/XMbZHKQhscw
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 14:41:10 +0000

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