01:23 pm. I hardly ever get on Facebook, nor do I ever make - TopicsExpress


01:23 pm. I hardly ever get on Facebook, nor do I ever make comments, post feelings, or what I might be doing during any part of the day...honestly can never really remember my password to log on; however, I know most holding Charity up in your highest prayers and in return I pray God bless you in return...Since I am for the most part anti-social on Facebook (or really just dont have time for it)....Charity doesnt want to post anything about her health primarily because she doesnt want sympathy or to make her health the topic of conversation...however I have had many ask what is going on so here it goes... After all the initial surgeries, chemo, blood disorder requiring splenectomy and more chemo (in 2008-2013) she began having pain constantly in May 2014. Went for normal 3 month checkup and mentioned it to the doctor, had an MRI revealing that the hardware in her knee had come loose and was rubbing metal on top of bone. They performed a reconstructive surgery in July replacing the total knee and tibial plate/rod in her lower leg. Every since, she has had multiple problems resulting in additional surgeries, home health, and daily IV antibiotics through central line, etc. This last surgery, performed 6 days ago, went well and was the shortest stay inside the hospital...app 2 days ago she began having increased pain and fever of 102 Monday morning. I called her Dr. And he advised to get basic labs at close hospital to make sure fever not from something common(flu, UTI, etc.). After tests complete, everything was normal except had elevated white count (possible infection) so her cancer doctor wanted her to come to Houston.White Blood Cell Count was very high and couldnt find anymore source of infection. Brought to Houston yesterday, admitted to room at 3:30, slept from 5 am-7 am and now is in another procedure as we speak... they found a large fluid filled pocket in her left leg via ultrasound....performing Conscious sedation US guided needle biopsy/aspiration to draw fluid, will send it to pathology...unknown how long it will take... Anesthesia has already did the pre-op assessment...she will also have another surgery if there is puss(dont know how extensive that me be).........................07:32.pm..she did well through needle aspiration....placed a drain, 300 mls out but the fluid does not look good...the doctor came in and spoke with us and states that it definitely looks like an infection. States he has scheduled a long time slot for surgery on Friday, however, he is meeting with a large group of doctors as to what route of surgery is best for her. They have started her back on one of the most powerful antibiotics, Daptomycin in which she received before. Charity is mentally and emotionally suffering a very difficult time right now. Please keep her in your prayers daily if not more. God has blessed her so much and gotten her through the cancer and the hemolytic anemia in which the doctors gave us poor prognosis...when all come together in agreement in unity, faith, and hope, He can move mountains. Doctors can only do so much, we need God to intervene. Thank you for all your support and encouragement.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:33:40 +0000

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