02112013 Five times Issue Warning Order to U.S. Government by - TopicsExpress


02112013 Five times Issue Warning Order to U.S. Government by Chairman Maos command ! World War II , the United States emerged as the world hegemon . Since then, the U.S. authorities swagger , whatever they want. However, there is a great man issued the U.S. authorities over the next five orders , he is Chinese peoples great leader Mao Zedong . First order : Do not cross the military demarcation line September 15, 1950 U.S. troops landed at Inchon , surround and annihilate the main force of the Korean Peoples Army , the Korean war situation worsened . To chase tottering foe U.S. military staged the play, a threat to China s strategic security . Chairman Mao at this time to the United States shall not crossed the military demarcation issue a warning . However, the UN military commander MacArthur turned a deaf ear . The American famous military strategist , Admiral , just shortly after the Japanese army in Southeast Asia , such as creating a swept volume seats, 1:40 destroy the Japanese record, being smug, where only listen to Chairman Maos Duanhe . He led his army on October 7 crossed the military demarcation line north invaded and threatened to go to the Yalu River at Christmas . Volunteers three campaigns , the U.S. military was forced to return to thirty-seven line, Seoul was captured . MacArthur eat bitterness , lost face. By U.S. President Harry S. Truman relieved of his post , dingy pension went back home . The Ridgway replaced MacArthur , spent germ warfare , was not able to cross the demarcation line . Ended in failure in the face of world opinion bacteria generals of the notorious being sacked. Third commander of the Eighth Army commander reuse Clark Van Fleet , the military demarcation line near Shangganling fuss. UN troops in 320 large caliber artillery , 47 tanks, more than 50 aircraft on volunteer positions Meng , a total of more than 190 million rounds fired artillery shells , bombs cast more than 5,000 pieces , the total area of less than four square kilometers of mountain life and cut off one meter to stay under the Van Fleet ammunition quantity allusions. After 43 days of fighting, the U.S. military in the world can not overcome Shangganling opinion confess . Obediently signed at Panmunjom truce stop military demarcation line . He served as president of the United States three Bush , Bill Clinton , Barack Obama, both to the military demarcation line with binoculars looking staged theatrical sigh . Second order: Do not cross the 17th parallel In 1961, the United States launched the invasion of Vietnam War , South Vietnam , South Korea, Australia, Thailand , New Zealand, Laos have participated in the war , the U.S. military deployed 650,000 soldiers sea and air , is the history of the largest number of U.S. troops fought a war . Can Chairman Mao spoke: U.S. must not cross 17 degrees north latitude line . This time, the United States to strictly comply with the teachings of the elderly , not only the ground no more than 37 degrees line , even fighters also set a 17- degree line reminder , for fear of accidentally flew over . Since then, the war in Vietnam became a quagmire . 17 degree line can not be too , but can not eliminate off , forward and backwards , purely to fight consumption. 60,000 people dead and more than 30 people injured . This useless war the U.S. can not hit anymore, so there is Nixon , Kissinger s visit to China in 1972 , asking the elderly to put him on a horse, a decent home. January 27, 1973 , the United States signed the end the war in Vietnam , to restore peace agreement , honorable retreat away. Third order: To give African-American human rights For a long time , the U.S. presence apartheid , racial discrimination system , not blacks whites living area , not on the white schools , not as a government official , not even the same bus and whites . The 1960s , the famous American black leader Robert William freedom for leading sports car , wanted by the FBI . Was forced into exile in Cuba since September of that year . During Robert William twice wrote to Chairman Mao , Mao issued a statement required to support the African American struggle against racial discrimination . August 8, 1963 , Chairman Mao to accept Robert William requirements , published African American opposition to U.S. imperialism supported the just struggle of racial discrimination statement . Robert William received after August 14 statement in Cuba published a long article Maos African American Emancipation Proclamation , said: Chairman Mao Zedong sent to the support of people around the world in the battle of our people s call for a new Emancipation Proclamation . There has never been a strong national leaders give the world such a call . Since then, the African-American civil rights movement climax , half a million people in New York, set off strike movement , black people started fighting with police . More than one hundred cities in the armed struggle broke out , the U.S. Congress is forced through the Civil Rights Act , from the legal to the black human rights. April 4, 1968 , African-American leader Martin Luther King was shot , April 16 , Chairman Mao second statement , the United States supported the struggle of the black uprising , black people hand holding a glowing red Quotations from Chairman Mao , shouting : To stand up and fight , do not kneel to survive ! Fascist police attacked everywhere , burning white racists shops, so Washington, Chicago , Los Angeles, Detroit , Baltimore and other cities are in chaos . U.S. forced to allow Robert William return home, given the Negro people a real human rights , since then, blacks in the car , going to school , work, politics have equal rights , and even served as president of the United States Secretary of State , Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other key positions . Fourth order : Withdrawal from Southeast Asia and Taiwan United States during World War II , more than 40 million soldiers casualties , eliminated the Japanese occupied the Philippines, Southeast Asia , Thailand , Indonesia, and continues to invade Vietnam, Cambodia , Laos, China s direct threat of a new strategic security . May 20, 1970 Chairman Mao issued a people of the world unite and defeat the U.S. imperialists and their lackeys everything . 1971 Kissinger secretly came, In 1972, Richard Nixon s visit to China just off the plane , they saw a large banner airport : Hit the U.S. imperialists and all reactionaries ! Next, Nixon accepted uncritically the Chairman Mao demanded that the U.S. withdraw from Taiwan, Southeast Asia conditions . Nixon Watergate stepped down, his successor President Fords letter to complete a full withdrawal matters . Fifth order: All reactionaries are paper tigers East wind , newspaper brass , and now the world is more afraid , afraid of U.S. imperialism, not the people , but the people of the U.S. imperialists fear . U.S. imperialism seems to be a monster, in fact, is a paper tiger . Shanghai Communique impressively states: Where there is oppression, there is resistance . Countries want independence , nations want liberation and the people want revolution , has become an irresistible trend of history. All countries, big or small, should be equal , big nations should not bully the small and strong nations should not bully the weak . At 23:30 on February 17, 1973 , Mao Zedong met with Kissinger . Conversation Kissinger asked : Chairman learning English do now ? Mao replied: I have heard the legend I m learning English outside , I do not mind these rumors , they are fake, I know a few English words , but not the grammar . Kissinger also did not miss any opportunity to compliment Mao : Chairman invented a word . Mao readily admit this : Yes, I invented an English word - paper tiger. Kissinger immediately condemnation : Paper tiger . By the way, It refers to us. Two sides laughing . Allow U.S. leaders were snapped as Paper tiger Also happily recognize my account, the only worldwide Mao a man ! Original as below, translated by Google Translation. 毛主席五次給美國政府下命令 ! 二次世界大戰中,美國崛起,成為世界霸主。 從此,美國當局耀武揚威,為所欲為。 但是,有一位偉人卻對美國當局下過五次命令,他就是中國人民的偉大領袖毛澤東。 第一次 : 不得越過三八線 1950年9月15日美軍在仁川登陸,圍殲了朝鮮人民軍主力部隊,朝鮮戰局急轉直下。 美軍欲上演追擊窮寇的好戲,威脅到了中國的戰略安全。 毛主席此時向美國發出不得越過三八線的警告。 然而聯合國軍統帥麥克亞瑟卻置若罔聞。 這位美國著名軍事家、五星上將,剛剛不久,在東南亞創造了橫掃日軍如卷席、1:40消滅日軍的戰績,正躊躇滿志,哪裡聽得進毛主席的斷喝。 他于10月7日率軍越過三八線北侵,揚言要到鴨綠江邊過耶誕節。 志願軍三次戰役後,美軍被迫退回到了三七線,漢城被攻克。 麥克亞瑟吃了苦頭,丟了顏面。 被美國總統杜魯門解除了職務,灰溜溜回老家養老去了。 接替麥克亞瑟的李奇微,動用了細菌戰,也沒有能夠越過三八線。 在世界輿論面前落了個「細菌將軍」的臭名而被解職。 第三任統帥克拉克重用了第八集團軍司令官范佛裡特,在三八線附近的上甘嶺做文章。 聯合國軍以320門大口徑火炮、47輛坦克、50余架飛機對志願軍陣地猛轟,共發射炮彈190余萬發,投炸彈5000余枚,把總面積不足4平方公里的山頭生生削掉一米多留下了「范佛裡特彈藥量」的典故。 經過43天的戰鬥,美軍在世界輿論面前承認無法攻克上甘嶺。 乖乖在板門店簽訂了《停戰協定》,美軍止步三八線。 後任美國三位總統小布希、克林頓、奧巴馬,都到三八線拿著望遠鏡上演過望線興歎的戲劇。 第二次 : 不得越過十七度線 1961年,美國發動了侵越戰爭,南越、韓國、澳大利亞、泰國、紐西蘭、老撾都參加了戰爭,美軍出動了海陸空65萬將士,是歷史上美軍參戰人數最多的一次戰爭。 可毛主席說話了: 美軍不得越過北緯17度線。 這次,美國嚴格遵守了老人家的教導,不僅地面部隊沒超過十七度線,就連戰鬥機也設置了17度線提醒裝置,生怕一不小心飛過了。 從此,越南戰爭就成了戰爭泥潭。 17度線不能過,滅又滅不了,進進退退,純粹就是拼消耗。 6萬多人死亡、30多萬人受傷。 這樣的窩囊戰美國再也打不下去了,於是就有了尼克森、基辛格1972年訪華,請求老人家放他一馬,體面回家。 1973年1月27日,美國簽署了《關於在越南結束戰爭,恢復和平的協定》,「光榮」地撤退走了。 第三次 : 給美國黑人人權 長期以來,美國存在種族隔離、種族歧視制度,黑人不得居住白人區,不能上白人學校,不能擔任政府公職,甚至不能和白人同乘公共汽車。 60年代,美國著名黑人領袖羅伯特.威廉因領導自由乘車運動,受到聯邦調查局通緝。 被迫于當年9月起流亡古巴。 期間,羅伯特.威廉兩次致信毛主席,要求毛主席發表聲明,支援美國黑人反種族歧視鬥爭。 1963年8月8日,毛主席接受羅伯特.威廉的要求,發表了《支援美國黑人反對美帝國主義種族歧視的正義鬥爭的聲明》。 羅伯特.威廉在接到聲明後於8月14日在古巴發表長篇文章 《毛澤東的美國黑人解放宣言》稱: 「毛澤東主席向世界各國人民發出的支援在戰鬥中的我們人民的呼籲,是一個新的解放宣言。」 「從來還沒有一個強大的國家的領袖向全世界發出過這樣的號召。」 從此,美國黑人民權運動掀起高潮,五十萬人在紐約掀起罷課運動,黑人群眾同軍警展開激戰。 一百多個城市爆發了武裝鬥爭,美國國會被迫通過了《民權法案》 ,從法律上給了黑人人權。 1968年4月4日,美國黑人領袖馬丁.路德.金被槍殺, 4月16日,毛主席第二次發表聲明,支援美國發生的黑人抗暴鬥爭,黑人們手上拿著紅彤彤的毛主席語錄,高呼: 「要站起來戰鬥,不要跪著求生!」 到處襲擊法西斯軍警,焚燒白人種族主義者的商店,使華盛頓、芝加哥、洛杉磯、底特律、巴爾的摩等大城市,都陷入一片混亂。 美國被迫允許羅伯特.威廉返回國內,給了黑人真正人權,從此,黑人在坐車、上學、工作、從政有了平等權利,甚至還擔任了美國總統、國務卿、參謀長聯席會議主席等要職。 第四次 : 撤出東南亞和臺灣 美國在二戰期間,傷亡了40多萬將士,消滅了日軍,佔領了東南亞菲律賓、泰國、印尼,並繼續入侵越南、柬埔寨、老撾,直接威脅了新中國的戰略安全。 1970年5月20日毛主席發表了「全世界人民團結起來,打敗美帝國主義及其一切走狗」。 1971年基辛格秘密來了, 1972年,尼克森訪華剛下飛機,就看到了機場的大標語: 打到美帝國主義及一切反動派! 接下來,尼克森全盤接受了毛主席要求美國撤出臺灣、東南亞的條件。 尼克森水門事件下臺後,繼任者福特總統不折不扣地完成了全面撤軍事宜。 第五次 : 一切反動派都是紙老虎 東風吹,戰鼓擂,現在世界上誰怕誰,不是人民怕美帝,而是美帝怕人民。 美帝國主義看起來是個龐然大物,其實是紙老虎。 《上海公報》中赫然載明: 「哪裡有壓迫,哪裡就有反抗。國家要獨立,民族要解放,人民要革命,已成為不可抗拒的歷史潮流。 國家不分大小,應該一律平等,大國不應欺負小國,強國不應欺負弱國。」 1973年2月17日23時30分,毛澤東會見基辛格。 談話中基辛格問: 「主席現在正學英文嗎?」 毛澤東回答: 「我聽說外面傳說我正在學英文,我不在意這些傳聞,它們都是假的,我認識幾個英文單字,但不懂文法。」 基辛格也不放過任何一個恭維毛澤東的機會: 「主席發明了一個英文字。」 對此毛澤東爽快地承認了: 「是的,我發明了一個英文詞彙——paper tiger。」 基辛格馬上對號入座: 「紙老虎。 對了, 那是指我們。 賓主大笑。 能夠讓美國領導人被呵斥為 「紙老虎」, 還高高興興地認帳,全世界唯毛主席一人! By Ricky Yuen Dirty Naught Old Doberman from Hong Kong [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:22:07 +0000

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