04/06/2013 Bernard Schulz I would like to propose to add - TopicsExpress


04/06/2013 Bernard Schulz I would like to propose to add additional funding of 75,000 dollars to our school system. This additional funding would be used to perform a test trial in a portion of the school district, testing the effects of interactive computer learning software. I would ask that this trial period occur for a guaranteed period of two years. After this time period, and throughout the trial period, we would be able to analyze the efficiency, and effectiveness, of these alternative educational methods; and we can take a large step forward to providing cost efficient education to a wider and broader audience. We need a teaching Renaissance, We need a revolutionary change that will motivate these kids to come into our schools, daily, in order to learn and excel. A program that jumps out, in my mind, is Rosetta stone. This is a fun, interactive, self-immersion, patented process. I believe that attempting to fluently teach a child a language, within a school year, with about a 10-30 minute daily workload is well within reach, and I believe investing in this technology would be truly beneficial to our school system. These programs have been proven to have a comparable retention rate to standard education. With a 9 month school year one could complete the Rosetta stone program in 200 days, with, I believe, a higher retention rate than that of our current school system. This leaves room for alterations to the program, such as classroom activities, and field trips. I hope that through a better developed teaching method, and through a better grading structure, we can lower the cost of education for all; adding a greater majority of well-educated individuals to the workforce, which will create a more competitive job market for years to come. Education is where it starts. Without education there is no learning, without learning, we cannot know. Without knowledge, we cannot innovate, and without innovation, we cannot invent. Let us invent a, better, more efficient, school system together. I would ask to begin this trial period with Rosetta stone. I believe that this is the best learning software that we have to date. In the future I am sure that we would be able to expand on this philosophy, but all great things are achieved one step at a time. The Rosetta stone program has a computer generated grading system, which would cut down on teacher’s daily tasks; this would create the ability for teachers to oversee a greater quantity of students in a classroom. This would slow down the expansion rate of the teaching profession. Even with a higher student to teacher ratio, with this proposal, I believe that we could educate students at a greater rate. With increased efficiency through this program, I would hope that within 2 years this upgrade would be paid for, in full, generating a savings after the initial 2 years. Education is a 7 trillion dollar industry, more than the GDP of Italy, France, and the UK, combined. The potential savings are too great not to act. Due to the many different aspects of my plan, which I could only slightly cover within my allotted time, I would request to be directly involved in the further development of this proposal. If this trial period where to be successful, I have plans to expand upon this proposal into our higher educational system, and broadening the types of subjects these interactive programs cover. This would allow many, without the means to obtain a solid education the chance to do so. Incorporate Mem words in the system. Struggling students could come in after school to finish work. We could buy laptops for students, at wholesale price requiring parents to sign a contract with the school claiming responsibility. Cut study hall and incorporate this time for a language class Either cut language teacher’s salary, which I do not believe will be as efficient. Cut all but one language teacher which would teach 3 different languages. Plan for field trip at the end of year 30% of students in the US fall out of high school 46% of college students do not graduate 1 student drops out of high school every 26 seconds Digital textbook sales are expected to increase 15% in the next 2 years 95% of teachers believe online tools engages students 93% of teachers believe online tools improves performance The cost of eLearning is almost half of the cost of instructor led training Projected growth in blended learning which incorporates both classroom and online components is expected to grow 98% by 2020 96% of universities offer at least one online class.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 22:22:30 +0000

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