04/13/4014 Prayer Requests Ron McHale just sent this e-mail. - TopicsExpress


04/13/4014 Prayer Requests Ron McHale just sent this e-mail. We have this little 19 month old with really severe club feet at my Mexico church. The family has no money and lives way below the poverty line. Our daughter, Amarra, has connected me with an organization in Tijuana that helps kids like this. Our first appointment is this Saturday at 10:30 am. Please add this to your prayers. Pleased pray for Marissa. She is struggling with addiction. Pray for Kim and Heather. Pray for Lifeline Recovery to be used by God in a mighty way. Pray for Dennis. Matt asks that we pray for him as he starts in on the graveyard shift of his new job as a forklift operator. Jason needs a job and also asks that we pray for his daughters mom. Continue to pray for Pastor Allan, Breanna and Brooke. Pray for the Lord to guard their hearts and emotions while the problems swirling around them. Pray for City Quest, Open Door and the Hope Center to find the right bus or van to meet their needs. Pray blessing on City Quest as they reach out to meet the physical and spiritual needs of Oroville. Pray for those involved in the Orland bus/truck head-on and for their families. Pray for speedy recovery for those who were injured. Bill asks that we pray for his son, Tom, to feel better and for continued success in Toms new job. Pray for Lonna to be healed. Pray for Bills little dog to be healed. He is Bills constant little buddy. Pray for transformation to happen in Oroville. Transformation always starts with fervent prayer. Pray for the homeless to come to salvation. Pray for recovery of spirit and body for a young man who attempted suicide. Pray for Elizabeths son, John, who is battling cancer and for her daughter, Melissa who is struggling with life issues. Pray healing for the baby who has leukemia. Pray for Rick to be healed from lung cancer. Pray for Kyle and his companion to be saved. Pray for spiritual healing for John and Jennifer. Help them both to repent and turn from their addictions. Pray for Alli Crane to be completely and totally healed from Crohns disease. Pray for the persecuted Church around the world. Pray for Randy, Karen and the baby. Pray for Hersheys safety. Pray for the Taylor family. Pray for Wilhamina and her mother, Mandy, to be safe and find their life in Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for Jory, Brittany and Cody to be completely delivered from their addictions. Always keep Pastor Allan, Breanna and Brooke in your prayers. They are all under heavy spiritual attack right now. Help all three of them to put on the full armor of God so that the arrows Satan sends their way will have no effect. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 19:00:48 +0000

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