04 Why I prefer .380 over .45acp Templeton Adams posted on October - TopicsExpress


04 Why I prefer .380 over .45acp Templeton Adams posted on October 04, 2013 18:16 Article Rating As I simply write the title to this article I can hear the distant battle cries from the “caliber wars”. I know that this is such a divisive topic that some will read the title, skip reading the article, and head straight to the comments section to wax poetic on how I am wrong for my ill advised statement. The point of this article isn’t to do a scientific analysis of ballistics or to discuss the physiological wonderments of a 200lb meth addict fighting through various inadequate calibers. At the risk of starting the next battle in this ageless debate, I would simply like to discuss my opinion on the balance between adequacy and practicality. In the short time that I have been carrying concealed, I have carried a Springfield XDm .45 compact, Springfield XDs, and Ruger LCP. The XDm is great for winter concealed carry and home defense. The XDs is great for summer concealed carry, and is a good compromise between adequacy and practicality (when it’s not being recalled). However, as much as I love my .45’s, they are not very comfortable for when I am lounging around my house. When I am enjoying the fruits of my labor in my castle, I strive to be comfortable AND prepared. Home invasions occur frequently enough that I feel the need to have something at my side at ALL times. I need to at least be able to immediately initiate contact while I access my bigger stuff. That’s where my lovely little “Elsie Pea” comes into play. I had no idea when I acquired this little pocket gun that I would be carrying it so frequently, but it has truly become an EVERY. DAY. CARRY. As I type this, I have 6+1 of Hornady 90 gr FTX Critical Defense in my pocket ready to go at a moment’s notice. Many people will complain not only about the pitfalls of the.380 ballistics, but also the heavy trigger pull of my particular model. I would simply reply “train”. Then I would reiterate “train some more”. When I go out to get my newspaper or mail, take out the trash, or play with my son in our yard, it is this little .380 that is with me. If heaven forbid I ever need to draw a weapon and fire, I believe it will be “Elsie” that is there when I need it. I’m sure you’ve all seen statements such as “a .22 in the hand is better than a .45 in the safe” or “hitting the target with a .22 is more effective than missing with a .45”. We could spend from now until Obama’s impeachment arguing about what round is the most effective for personal defense, and in that time, I will have my trusty little .380 ready to go. Now my question to you is…are you comfortable AND prepared in YOUR castle? - See more at: colddeadhands.us/Home/tabid/56/ctl/ArticleView/mid/515/articleId/48109/Why-I-prefer-380-over-45acp.aspx#sthash.KwdKFcip.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 02:56:33 +0000

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