06/01/2015 Today’s Meditation: Genesis 1: 26 -28 Greater - TopicsExpress


06/01/2015 Today’s Meditation: Genesis 1: 26 -28 Greater Exploit Better Life 1 “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Gen 1:28. Compliment of the season to you my beloved brethren. Glory be to God for the beginning of a new year. As the New Year was approaching, there was a burden in my heart which bothers on becoming better. I saw very clearly that I have no choice but to be a better me this year. That burden is what gives birth to this series which I believe will help you to do greater exploits this year. It is the intention of God for your life to be far better this year that it has ever been. You must look back at the end of this year and give glory to God for a better life; all the people around you must also praise Him for a better you this year. Once again, welcome to the table of the Lord in 2015. God bless you as you feed your soul and live the word. Man was never a biological accident; he is a unique work of the all-knowing and all-wise God. Man did not just exist; God made Him. God did not make man just for the fun of it; He made him for a specific purpose and to achieve specific goals. No man comes to the world without the determined purpose of God. Every man designed by God and released into the world has a divinely assigned duty and specific contributions to the world. You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created Rev 4:11. “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him” Col 1:16. All things, including you and I, are created by God and for God. We are failures if we do not fulfill His purposes for our lives. The beginning of failure is for a man to pursue an agenda in life that is at variance with the purpose of God for his life. A man whose pursuit in life is inconsistent with the plan of his Maker is not only lost; he will have enough frustrations and failure to last the whole lifetime. When God made Adam, the first man, He specified His purpose for Him. God said: Be fruitful. That means, be full of fruits. Let your life be productive. Be profitable. You are created for success. You must be effective in all you do. Something great must come out of you. That was the mandate of God given to man. You and I are not here to waste away. Every minute and second of our lives are for productivity. It is for effectiveness. Every man that will fulfill that purpose of God for his/her life must be profit conscious. We must begin each year with the consciousness of fruitfulness, pass through the year with the zeal of fruitfulness and end the year with the testimony of fruitfulness. There are people who must profit maximally from the fruits of your life. If your life is not fulfilling purpose, these are people who are losing: Your God, Your world, Your family, Your church, Yourself. Now, can you do a brief assessment of your life here and now? Can you ask yourself these questions? Where are the fruits of my existence now? Did I actually produce fruits last year? If I did not, what were my excuses? If you do not understand why your life was fruitless last year, you may have no choice but to repeat a life of fruitlessness this year. Those things which got your life stocked last year are capable of doing it again this year unless you are determined to deal decisively with them now. A cumulative effect of fruitless years is a fruitless life. If this year will not be a fruitless year for you, you need to track down fruitlessness in your life now and deal with it once and for all. Beloved, as we study along in this series, I trust the Holy Spirit to help you to see reasons why you have been less than what God wants you to be. I trust God to give you a divine push into productive living. I see you rising into relevance this year and making maximum impacts in all you do. Do not forget, the word of God says: “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day” Pro 4:18. Believe that your life can be better this year and it will. May God energize your soul for fruitfulness this year; may you rise beyond all challenges and frustrations into a shining life and productive living in Jesus name. The hand of the Lord shall be mighty upon you this year and you shall be unstoppable in Jesus name. Go out from today and make it in a big way in Jesus name. Have a blessed day; I love you!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:02:48 +0000

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