06-11-2014 : Significance of Maha - TopicsExpress


06-11-2014 : Significance of Maha Annabishegam....!!!!! Annabhishekam is a unique life-force invoking ritual using rice for Lord Shiva, the Master of higher consciousness. This is celebrated especially most in South India in almost all Shiva Temples as a thanks giving by Farmers for a good and pleanty of harvest. This ritual is celebrated on the Pournami day on the solar month, when Sun Lord transits in the zodiac sign LIBRA.... On this full Moon day, we submit our gratitude and thanks to Lord Shiva for the food and all that he has blessed us with. Lord Shiva is considered as the creator of food and life, and he alone can offer grace and protection. He, as the Shiva Linga, represents the energies necessary for life on both the microcosmic and macro-cosmic levels. Setting up a vibration of gratitude within you will help attract all positive energy and good things toward you. This helps in erasing negative Karmas... Astrologically, this full Moon is special, where the aspect of Venus (The planet for Fortune and Pleasures) on the Full moon would be so powerful, which gives immense wealth and also makes you enjoy the wealth. The day would be either Aswini / Bharani based on the transit time of the planet moon. Moon who is the planet which governs Rice and other nutritions. Hence worshipping Moon, Sun and Venus on this day would bestow blessings for us and generations to come with sufficient food. As Sun and Moon are the prima factors of deciding our health concern, it was felt mandatory to worship Lord Shiva on this Maha Annabishegam day with cooked Rice. Performing the grand rice-anointing ritual to Lord Shiva on this day can free you from problems as you express gratitude for what you have been given. Stay blessed - aum namashivAya !!!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:22:20 +0000

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